
class BiomeBuilder(id: ResourceLocation) : RegistryElementBuilder<Biome>

Builder for Biomes. Use build to get the Biome instance or register to register it. Check out the docs page on biomes for more information.

See also


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constructor(id: ResourceLocation)


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val id: ResourceLocation


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fun carver(step: GenerationStep.Carving, configuredCarver: Holder<ConfiguredWorldCarver<*>>): BiomeBuilder

Adds a ConfiguredWorldCarver to this biome via a Holder that either already contains the ConfiguredWorldCarver, or is set later by the ConfiguredWorldCarver Registry. The step parameter specifies the step at which the carver should be executed (AIR or LIQUID).

fun carver(step: GenerationStep.Carving, configuredCarverKey: ResourceKey<ConfiguredWorldCarver<*>>): BiomeBuilder

Adds a ConfiguredWorldCarver to this biome via its ResourceKey. If the ConfiguredWorldCarver is not yet registered, an empty Holder will be created and the ConfiguredWorldCarver will be set later by the ConfiguredWorldCarver Registry. The step parameter specifies the step at which the carver should be executed (AIR or LIQUID).

fun carver(step: GenerationStep.Carving, configuredCarverId: ResourceLocation): BiomeBuilder

Adds a ConfiguredWorldCarver to this biome via its ResourceLocation. If the ConfiguredWorldCarver is not yet registered, an empty Holder will be created and the ConfiguredWorldCarver will be set later by the ConfiguredWorldCarver Registry. The step parameter specifies the step at which the carver should be executed (AIR or LIQUID).

fun carver(step: GenerationStep.Carving, configuredCarver: ConfiguredWorldCarver<*>): BiomeBuilder

Adds a ConfiguredWorldCarver to this biome. The step parameter specifies the step at which the carver should be executed (AIR or LIQUID).

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fun carvers(step: GenerationStep.Carving, vararg configuredCarvers: Holder<ConfiguredWorldCarver<*>>): BiomeBuilder

Adds multiple ConfiguredWorldCarvers to this biome via Holders that either already contain a ConfiguredWorldCarver, or are set later by the ConfiguredWorldCarver Registry. The step parameter specifies the step at which these carvers should be executed (AIR or LIQUID).

fun carvers(step: GenerationStep.Carving, vararg configuredCarverKeys: ResourceKey<ConfiguredWorldCarver<*>>): BiomeBuilder

Adds multiple ConfiguredWorldCarvers to this biome via their ResourceKey. If a ConfiguredWorldCarver is not yet registered, an empty Holder will be created and the ConfiguredWorldCarver will be set later by the ConfiguredWorldCarver Registry. The step parameter specifies the step at which these carvers should be executed (AIR or LIQUID).

fun carvers(step: GenerationStep.Carving, vararg configuredCarverIds: ResourceLocation): BiomeBuilder

Adds multiple ConfiguredWorldCarvers to this biome via their ResourceLocation. If a ConfiguredWorldCarver is not yet registered, an empty Holder will be created and the ConfiguredWorldCarver will be set later by the ConfiguredWorldCarver Registry. The step parameter specifies the step at which these carvers should be executed (AIR or LIQUID).

fun carvers(step: GenerationStep.Carving, vararg configuredCarvers: ConfiguredWorldCarver<*>): BiomeBuilder

Adds multiple ConfiguredWorldCarvers to this biome. The step parameter specifies the step at which these carvers should be executed (AIR or LIQUID).

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Sets the ClimateSettings of this biome using a BiomeClimateSettingsBuilder. These settings are mostly used for foliage color and other gameplay features (e.g. Color of rabbits/foxes is white if precipitation is snow).

fun climateSettings(climateSettings: Biome.ClimateSettings)

Sets the ClimateSettings of this biome. These settings are mostly used for foliage color and other gameplay features (e.g. Color of rabbits/foxes is white if precipitation is snow).

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Resets the ClimateSettings of this biome to the default values.

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Resets the BiomeSpecialEffects of this biome to the default values.

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fun feature(step: GenerationStep.Decoration, placedFeature: Holder<PlacedFeature>): BiomeBuilder

Adds a PlacedFeature to this biome via a Holder that either already contains a PlacedFeature, or is set later by the PlacedFeature Registry. The step parameter specifies the step at which the feature should be executed (For a list of all steps, check out the GenerationStep.Decoration enum).

fun feature(step: GenerationStep.Decoration, featureKey: ResourceKey<PlacedFeature>): BiomeBuilder

Adds a PlacedFeature to this biome via its ResourceKey. If the PlacedFeature is not yet registered, an empty Holder will be created and the PlacedFeature will be set later by the PlacedFeature Registry. The step parameter specifies the step at which the feature should be executed (For a list of all steps, check out the GenerationStep.Decoration enum).

fun feature(step: GenerationStep.Decoration, placedFeature: ResourceLocation): BiomeBuilder

Adds a PlacedFeature to this biome via its ResourceLocation. If the PlacedFeature is not yet registered, an empty Holder will be created and the PlacedFeature will be set later by the PlacedFeature Registry. The step parameter specifies the step at which the feature should be executed (For a list of all steps, check out the GenerationStep.Decoration enum).

fun feature(step: GenerationStep.Decoration, placedFeature: PlacedFeature): BiomeBuilder

Adds a PlacedFeature to this biome. The step parameter specifies the step at which the feature should be executed (For a list of all steps, check out the GenerationStep.Decoration enum).

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fun features(step: GenerationStep.Decoration, vararg placedFeatures: Holder<PlacedFeature>): BiomeBuilder

Adds multiple PlacedFeatures to this biome via Holders that either already contain a PlacedFeature, or are set later by the PlacedFeature Registry. The step parameter specifies the step at which the features should be executed (For a list of all steps, check out the GenerationStep.Decoration enum).

fun features(step: GenerationStep.Decoration, vararg placedFeatureKeys: ResourceKey<PlacedFeature>): BiomeBuilder

Adds multiple PlacedFeatures to this biome via their ResourceKey. If a PlacedFeature is not yet registered, an empty Holder will be created and the PlacedFeature will be set later by the PlacedFeature Registry. The step parameter specifies the step at which the features should be executed (For a list of all steps, check out the GenerationStep.Decoration enum).

fun features(step: GenerationStep.Decoration, vararg placedFeatureIds: ResourceLocation): BiomeBuilder

Adds multiple PlacedFeatures to this biome via their ResourceLocation. If a PlacedFeature is not yet registered, an empty Holder will be created and the PlacedFeature will be set later by the PlacedFeature Registry. The step parameter specifies the step at which the features should be executed (For a list of all steps, check out the GenerationStep.Decoration enum).

fun features(step: GenerationStep.Decoration, vararg placedFeatures: PlacedFeature): BiomeBuilder

Adds multiple PlacedFeatures to this biome. The step parameter specifies the step at which the features should be executed (For a list of all steps, check out the GenerationStep.Decoration enum).

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fun mobSpawnSettings(mobSpawnSettings: MobSpawnSettingsBuilder.() -> Unit)

Sets the MobSpawnSettings of this biome using a MobSpawnSettingsBuilder. As the name suggests, this is used to configure the spawning of mobs.

fun mobSpawnSettings(mobSpawnSettings: MobSpawnSettings)

Sets the MobSpawnSettings of this biome. As the name suggests, this is used to configure the spawning of mobs.

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Removes all ConfiguredWorldCarvers from this biome.

fun resetCarvers(step: GenerationStep.Carving): BiomeBuilder

Removes all ConfiguredWorldCarvers from this biome that are executed at the specified step.

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Removes all PlacedFeatures from this biome.

fun resetFeatures(step: GenerationStep.Decoration): BiomeBuilder

Removes all PlacedFeatures from this biome at the specified step.

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Sets the BiomeSpecialEffects of this biome using a BiomeSpecialEffectsBuilder. These settings contain a vast amount of different effects of the biome.

fun specialEffects(specialEffects: BiomeSpecialEffects)

Sets the BiomeSpecialEffects of this biome. These settings contain a vast amount of different effects of the biome.