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val id: Key


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fun carvers(vararg configuredCarvers: ResourceKey<ConfiguredWorldCarver<*>>)

Adds configuredCarvers to the biome.

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Sets the ClimateSettings of this biome using a BiomeClimateSettingsBuilder. These settings are mostly used for foliage color and other gameplay features (e.g. Color of rabbits/foxes is white if precipitation is snow).

fun climateSettings(climateSettings: Biome.ClimateSettings)

Sets the ClimateSettings of this biome. These settings are mostly used for foliage color and other gameplay features (e.g. Color of rabbits/foxes is white if precipitation is snow).

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fun features(step: GenerationStep.Decoration, vararg placedFeatures: ResourceKey<PlacedFeature>)

Adds placedFeatures to the biome at the specified step, which determines when the features are executed during world generation.

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fun mobSpawnSettings(mobSpawnSettings: MobSpawnSettingsBuilder.() -> Unit)

Sets the MobSpawnSettings of this biome using a MobSpawnSettingsBuilder. As the name suggests, this is used to configure the spawning of mobs.

fun mobSpawnSettings(mobSpawnSettings: MobSpawnSettings)

Sets the MobSpawnSettings of this biome. As the name suggests, this is used to configure the spawning of mobs.

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Sets the BiomeSpecialEffects of this biome using a BiomeSpecialEffectsBuilder. These settings contain a vast amount of different effects of the biome.

fun specialEffects(specialEffects: BiomeSpecialEffects)

Sets the BiomeSpecialEffects of this biome. These settings contain a vast amount of different effects of the biome.