
Builder for a biome's BiomeSpecialEffects. The following settings are available:

  • fogColor - The color of the fog in this biome.

  • waterColor - The color of the water in this biome.

  • waterFogColor - The color of the water fog in this biome.

  • skyColor - The color of the sky in this biome.

  • foliageColorOverride - Overrides the foliage color of this biome. If null, the foliage color will be calculated based on the ClimateSettings.temperature and ClimateSettings.downfall settings of the ClimateSettings. Use defaultFoliageColor to set the override back to null.

  • grassColorOverride - Overrides the grass color of this biome. If null, the grass color will be calculated based on the ClimateSettings.temperature and ClimateSettings.downfall settings of the ClimateSettings. Use defaultGrassColor to set the override back to null.

  • grassColorModifier - Adjusts the previously specified grass color before calculating the final grass color (See GrassColorModifier).

  • ambientParticleSettings - Ambient particles that will randomly spawn around the biome. If null, no ambient particles will be spawned. Use disableAmbientParticles to set the setting back to null. For more information on particles, check out NMS-Utilities ParticleBuilder documentation.

  • ambientLoopSoundEvent - Ambient sound that will play in this biome. If null, no ambient sound will be played. Use disableAmbientLoopSoundEvent to set the setting back to null.

  • ambientMoodSettings - Ambient mood sounds (also known as cave sounds) that will play in this biome. If you're unfamiliar with Minecraft's mood sound system, check out the Minecraft Wiki. If null, no ambient mood sounds will be played. Use disableAmbientMoodSound to set the setting back to null.

  • ambientAdditionsSettings - The ambient additions sound is a sound that will be played each tick at the probability defined at AmbientAdditionsSettings.tickChance. If null, no ambient additions sound will be played. Use disableAmbientAdditionsSound to set the setting back to null.

  • backgroundMusic - The background music that will play in this biome. If null, no background music will be played. Use disableBackgroundMusic to set the setting back to null.


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fun ambientAdditionsSound(additionsSettings: AmbientAdditionsSettings)

Sets the ambientAdditionsSettings setting of the biome's special effects. This setting is used to add ambient sounds to the biome. The sound is played each tick at the probability defined at AmbientAdditionsSettings.tickChance. To disable ambient sounds again, use disableAmbientAdditionsSound.

fun ambientAdditionsSound(soundEvent: Holder<SoundEvent>, tickProbability: Double)

Sets the ambientAdditionsSettings setting of the biome's special effects by creating a new AmbientAdditionsSettings instance out of the given soundEvent and tickProbability. The Holder can either already contain the SoundEvent, or be set later by the SoundEvent Registry. To disable ambient sounds again, use disableAmbientAdditionsSound.

fun ambientAdditionsSound(soundEventId: ResourceLocation, tickProbability: Double)

Sets the ambientAdditionsSettings setting of the biome's special effects by creating a new AmbientAdditionsSettings instance out of the given soundEventId and tickProbability. If the SoundEvent is not yet registered, an empty Holder will be created and the SoundEvent will be set later by the SoundEvent Registry. To disable ambient sounds again, use disableAmbientAdditionsSound.

fun ambientAdditionsSound(soundEvent: SoundEvent, tickProbability: Double)

Sets the ambientAdditionsSettings setting of the biome's special effects by creating a new AmbientAdditionsSettings instance out of the given soundEvent and tickProbability. To disable ambient sounds again, use disableAmbientAdditionsSound.

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fun ambientLoopSoundEvent(ambientLoopSoundEvent: Holder<SoundEvent>)

Sets the ambientLoopSoundEvent setting of the biome's special effects via a Holder that either already contains the SoundEvent, or is set later by the SoundEvent Registry. To disable ambient sounds again, use disableAmbientLoopSoundEvent.

fun ambientLoopSoundEvent(soundEventKey: ResourceKey<SoundEvent>)

Sets the ambientLoopSoundEvent setting of the biome's special effects via its ResourceKey. If the SoundEvent is not yet registered, an empty Holder will be created and the SoundEvent will be set later by the SoundEvent Registry. To disable ambient sounds again, use disableAmbientLoopSoundEvent.

fun ambientLoopSoundEvent(soundEventId: ResourceLocation)

Sets the ambientLoopSoundEvent setting of the biome's special effects via its ResourceLocation. If the SoundEvent is not yet registered, an empty Holder will be created and the SoundEvent will be set later by the SoundEvent Registry. To disable ambient sounds again, use disableAmbientLoopSoundEvent.

fun ambientLoopSoundEvent(ambientLoopSoundEvent: SoundEvent)

Sets the ambientLoopSoundEvent setting of the biome's special effects. This setting is used to add ambient sounds to the biome. The sound is played randomly. To disable ambient sounds again, use disableAmbientLoopSoundEvent. To disable ambient sounds again, use disableAmbientLoopSoundEvent.

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Sets the ambientMoodSettings (also known as cave sounds) setting of the biome's special effects by using a AmbientMoodSoundBuilder. If you're unfamiliar with Minecraft's mood sound system, check out the Minecraft Wiki. To disable ambient sounds again, use disableAmbientMoodSound.

fun ambientMoodSound(moodSettings: AmbientMoodSettings)

Sets the ambientMoodSettings (also known as cave sounds) setting of the biome's special effects. If you're unfamiliar with Minecraft's mood sound system, check out the Minecraft Wiki. To disable ambient sounds again, use disableAmbientMoodSound.

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fun ambientParticles(ambientParticleSettings: AmbientParticleSettings)

Sets the ambientParticle setting of the biome's special effects. This setting is used to add ambient particles to the biome. The particles are spawned randomly in the air, and the probability of spawning each tick is determined by the AmbientParticleSettings.probability setting. To disable ambient particles again, use disableAmbientParticles. For more information on particles, check out the NMS-Utilities ParticleBuilder documentation.

fun <T : ParticleOptions> ambientParticles(particle: ParticleType<T>, probability: Float, builder: ParticleBuilder<T>.() -> Unit = {})

Sets the ambientParticle setting of the biome's special effects by using a ParticleBuilder. This setting is used to add ambient particles to the biome. The particles are spawned randomly in the air, and the probability of spawning each tick is determined by the AmbientParticleSettings.probability setting. To disable ambient particles again, use disableAmbientParticles. For more information on particles, check out the NMS-Utilities ParticleBuilder documentation.

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fun backgroundMusic(builder: MusicBuilder.() -> Unit)

Sets the backgroundMusic setting of the biome's special effects by using a MusicBuilder. To disable background music again, use disableBackgroundMusic.

fun backgroundMusic(music: Music)

Sets the backgroundMusic setting of the biome's special effects. This setting is used to add background music to the biome. To disable background music again, use disableBackgroundMusic.

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fun build(): BiomeSpecialEffects

Builds a BiomeSpecialEffects instance from the current state of this builder.

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Resets the foliageColorOverride setting back to null, which will cause the foliage color to be calculated based on the ClimateSettings.temperature and ClimateSettings.downfall settings of the ClimateSettings.

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Resets the grassColorOverride setting back to null, which will cause the grass color to be calculated based on the ClimateSettings.temperature and ClimateSettings.downfall settings of the ClimateSettings.

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Sets the ambientAdditionsSettings setting of the biome's special effects back to null to disable ambient additions sounds.

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Sets the ambientLoopSoundEvent setting of the biome's special effects back to null to disable ambient sounds.

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Sets the ambientMoodSettings (also known as cave sounds) setting of the biome's special effects back to null to disable ambient sounds.

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Sets the ambientParticle setting of the biome's special effects back to null to disable ambient particles.

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Sets the backgroundMusic setting of the biome's special effects back to null to disable background music.

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fun fogColor(color: Color)

Sets the fogColor setting of the biome's special effects via a Color instance.

fun fogColor(color: Int)

Sets the fogColor setting of the biome's special effects via an RGB value (e.g. 0xC0D8FF).

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fun foliageColor(color: Color)

Sets the foliageColorOverride and overrides the calculated foliage color of the biome via a Color instance. To reset the foliage color back to the default (null), use defaultFoliageColor.

fun foliageColor(color: Int)

Sets the foliageColorOverride and overrides the calculated foliage color of the biome via an RGB value (e.g. 0x0E8C00). To reset the foliage color back to the default (null), use defaultFoliageColor.

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fun grassColor(color: Color)

Sets the grassColorOverride and overrides the calculated grass color of the biome via a Color instance. To reset the grass color back to the default (null), use defaultGrassColor.

fun grassColor(color: Int)

Sets the grassColorOverride and overrides the calculated grass color of the biome via an RGB value (e.g. 0x0E8C00). To reset the grass color back to the default (null), use defaultGrassColor.

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fun grassColorModifier(grassColorModifier: BiomeSpecialEffects.GrassColorModifier)

Sets the grassColorModifier setting of the biome's special effects. This setting is used to modify the calculated grass color of the biome to better fit hardcoded vanilla biomes (dark forest and swamp).

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fun skyColor(color: Color)

Sets the skyColor setting of the biome's special effects via a Color instance.

fun skyColor(color: Int)

Sets the skyColor setting of the biome's special effects via an RGB value (e.g. 0x78A7FF).

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fun waterColor(color: Color)

Sets the waterColor setting of the biome's special effects via a Color instance.

fun waterColor(color: Int)

Sets the waterColor setting of the biome's special effects via an RGB value (e.g. 0x3F76E4).

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fun waterFogColor(color: Color)

Sets the waterFogColor setting of the biome's special effects via a Color instance.

fun waterFogColor(color: Int)

Sets the waterFogColor setting of the biome's special effects via an RGB value (e.g. 0x50533).