
Builder for a biome's MobSpawnSettingsBuilder. The following settings are available:

  • creatureGenerationProbability - The probability of a creature spawning in a chunk. The default value is 0.1.

  • spawners - A Map of MobCategory -> List<SpawnerData> that define the spawn conditions and properties for mobs.

  • mobSpawnCosts - A Map of EntityType ->MobSpawnCost that define the spawn costs for mobs. For more information on Minecraft's spawn costs system, check out the Minecraft Wiki


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fun addSpawn(mobCategory: MobCategory, spawnerData: MobSpawnSettings.SpawnerData)

Adds a SpawnerData to the spawners setting of the biome's mob spawn settings.

fun addSpawn(mobCategory: MobCategory, entityType: EntityType<*>, minGroupSize: Int = 2, maxGroupSize: Int = 4)

Adds a SpawnerData to the spawners setting of the biome's mob spawn settings by creating a new SpawnerData instance out of the given entityType, minGroupSize and maxGroupSize. The weight is set to 1.

fun addSpawn(mobCategory: MobCategory, entityType: EntityType<*>, weight: Int, minGroupSize: Int, maxGroupSize: Int)

Adds a SpawnerData to the spawners setting of the biome's mob spawn settings by creating a new SpawnerData instance out of the given entityType, weight, minGroupSize and maxGroupSize.

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fun creatureGenerationProbability(creatureGenerationProbability: Float)

Sets the creatureGenerationProbability setting of the biome's mob spawn settings. This setting is used to define the probability of a creature spawning in a chunk.

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fun setSpawnCost(entityType: EntityType<*>, spawnCost: MobSpawnSettings.MobSpawnCost)

Sets the spawn cost for entityType to the given spawnCost.

fun setSpawnCost(entityType: EntityType<*>, energyBudget: Double, charge: Double = 1.0)

Sets the spawn cost for entityType to the given energyBudget and charge.