
Builder for a biome's ClimateSettings. The following settings are available:

  • hasPrecipitation - This determines, whether the current biome has precipitation (e.g. rain/snow).

  • temperature - The temperature of the biome. Used for multiple gameplay elements like melting ice, preventing rain or changing the color of foliage (unless overridden in BiomeSpecialEffects)

  • temperatureModifier - Adjusts the previously specified temperature before calculating the height adjusted temperature

  • downfall - Controls foliage color. Any value above 0.85 leads to fire burning out faster.


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fun build(): Biome.ClimateSettings

Builds a ClimateSettings instance from the current state of this builder.

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fun downfall(downfall: Float)

Sets the downfall setting of the climate settings. This controls foliage color. Any value above 0.85 also leads to fire burning out faster.

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fun hasPrecipitation(hasPrecipitation: Boolean)

Sets the hasPrecipitation setting of the climate settings. This determines, whether the current biome has rainfall (e.g. rain/snow). Please note that the temperature setting also affects the precipitation of a biome. Any value below 0.15 will prevent precipitation.

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fun temperature(temperature: Float)

Sets the temperature setting of the climate settings. This determines the temperature of the biome. Used for multiple gameplay elements like melting ice, preventing rain or changing the color of foliage (unless overridden in BiomeSpecialEffects). This setting can also affect a few Features.

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fun temperatureModifier(temperatureModifier: Biome.TemperatureModifier)

Sets the temperatureModifier setting of the climate settings. This adjusts the previously specified temperature before calculating the height adjusted temperature.