Package-level declarations


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Builder for AmbientMoodSoundBuilder. If you're unfamiliar with Minecraft's mood sound system, check out the Minecraft Wiki.

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class BiomeBuilder(id: ResourceLocation) : RegistryElementBuilder<Biome>

Builder for Biomes. Use build to get the Biome instance or register to register it. Check out the docs page on biomes for more information.

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Builder for a biome's ClimateSettings. The following settings are available:

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Builder for BiomeInjections. Use build to get the BiomeInjection instance or register to register it. Check out the docs page on biome injections for more information.

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Builder for a biome's BiomeSpecialEffects. The following settings are available:

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class DimensionTypeBuilder(id: ResourceLocation) : RegistryElementBuilder<DimensionType>

Builder for DimensionTypes. Use build to get the DimensionType instance or register to register it. Check out the docs page on dimensions for more information.

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Builder for a biome's MobSpawnSettingsBuilder. The following settings are available:

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A builder for MonsterSettings. The following settings are available:

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Builder for Music.

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class PlacedFeatureBuilder(id: ResourceLocation) : RegistryElementBuilder<PlacedFeature>

Builder for PlacedFeatures. Use build to get the PlacedFeature instance or register to register it. Check out the docs page on PlacedFeatures for more information.

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annotation class WorldGenDsl