
fun ambientParticles(ambientParticleSettings: AmbientParticleSettings)

Sets the ambientParticle setting of the biome's special effects. This setting is used to add ambient particles to the biome. The particles are spawned randomly in the air, and the probability of spawning each tick is determined by the AmbientParticleSettings.probability setting. To disable ambient particles again, use disableAmbientParticles. For more information on particles, check out the NMS-Utilities ParticleBuilder documentation.

fun <T : ParticleOptions> ambientParticles(particle: ParticleType<T>, probability: Float, builder: ParticleBuilder<T>.() -> Unit = {})

Sets the ambientParticle setting of the biome's special effects by using a ParticleBuilder. This setting is used to add ambient particles to the biome. The particles are spawned randomly in the air, and the probability of spawning each tick is determined by the AmbientParticleSettings.probability setting. To disable ambient particles again, use disableAmbientParticles. For more information on particles, check out the NMS-Utilities ParticleBuilder documentation.