
fun ambientLoopSoundEvent(ambientLoopSoundEvent: SoundEvent)

Sets the ambientLoopSoundEvent setting of the biome's special effects. This setting is used to add ambient sounds to the biome. The sound is played randomly. To disable ambient sounds again, use disableAmbientLoopSoundEvent. To disable ambient sounds again, use disableAmbientLoopSoundEvent.

fun ambientLoopSoundEvent(ambientLoopSoundEvent: Holder<SoundEvent>)

Sets the ambientLoopSoundEvent setting of the biome's special effects via a Holder that either already contains the SoundEvent, or is set later by the SoundEvent Registry. To disable ambient sounds again, use disableAmbientLoopSoundEvent.

fun ambientLoopSoundEvent(soundEventId: ResourceLocation)

Sets the ambientLoopSoundEvent setting of the biome's special effects via its ResourceLocation. If the SoundEvent is not yet registered, an empty Holder will be created and the SoundEvent will be set later by the SoundEvent Registry. To disable ambient sounds again, use disableAmbientLoopSoundEvent.

fun ambientLoopSoundEvent(soundEventKey: ResourceKey<SoundEvent>)

Sets the ambientLoopSoundEvent setting of the biome's special effects via its ResourceKey. If the SoundEvent is not yet registered, an empty Holder will be created and the SoundEvent will be set later by the SoundEvent Registry. To disable ambient sounds again, use disableAmbientLoopSoundEvent.