
Builder for AmbientMoodSoundBuilder. If you're unfamiliar with Minecraft's mood sound system, check out the Minecraft Wiki.

The following settings are available:

  • soundEvent - The SoundEvent that is played.

  • tickDelay - The delay between each sound event in ticks.

  • blockSearchExtent - The range of possible positions to find place to play the mood sound.

  • soundPositionOffset - The offset of the sound position.


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fun blockSearchExtent(blockSearchExtent: Int)

Sets the blockSearchExtent setting of the biome's ambient mood sound to the given blockSearchExtent.

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fun soundEvent(soundEvent: Holder<SoundEvent>)
fun soundEvent(soundEvent: SoundEvent)

Sets the soundEvent setting of the biome's ambient mood sound to the given soundEvent.

fun soundEvent(soundEventKey: ResourceKey<SoundEvent>)

Sets the soundEvent setting of the biome's ambient mood sound to the given soundEventKey.

fun soundEvent(soundEventId: ResourceLocation)

Sets the soundEvent setting of the biome's ambient mood sound to the given soundEventId.

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fun soundPositionOffset(soundPositionOffset: Double)

Sets the soundPositionOffset setting of the biome's ambient mood sound to the given soundPositionOffset.

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fun tickDelay(tickDelay: Int)

Sets the tickDelay setting of the biome's ambient mood sound to the given tickDelay.