
Builder for AmbientMoodSoundBuilder. If you're unfamiliar with Minecraft's mood sound system, check out the Minecraft Wiki.

The following settings are available:

  • soundEvent - The SoundEvent that is played.

  • tickDelay - The delay between each sound event in ticks.

  • blockSearchExtent - The range of possible positions to find place to play the mood sound.

  • soundPositionOffset - The offset of the sound position.


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fun blockSearchExtent(blockSearchExtent: Int)

Sets the blockSearchExtent setting of the biome's ambient mood sound to the given blockSearchExtent.

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fun build(): AmbientMoodSettings

Builds a AmbientMoodSettings instance from the current state of this builder.

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fun soundEvent(soundEvent: Holder<SoundEvent>)

Sets the soundEvent setting of the biome's ambient mood sound to the given soundEvent via a Holder that either already contains a SoundEvent, or is set later by the SoundEvent Registry.

fun soundEvent(soundEventId: ResourceKey<SoundEvent>)

Sets the soundEvent setting of the biome's ambient mood sound to the given soundEventId via its ResourceKey. If the SoundEvent is not yet registered, an empty Holder will be created and the SoundEvent will be set later by the SoundEvent Registry.

fun soundEvent(soundEventId: ResourceLocation)

Sets the soundEvent setting of the biome's ambient mood sound to the given soundEventId via its ResourceLocation. If the SoundEvent is not yet registered, an empty Holder will be created and the SoundEvent will be set later by the SoundEvent Registry.

fun soundEvent(soundEvent: SoundEvent)

Sets the soundEvent setting of the biome's ambient mood sound to the given soundEvent.

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fun soundPositionOffset(soundPositionOffset: Double)

Sets the soundPositionOffset setting of the biome's ambient mood sound to the given soundPositionOffset.

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fun tickDelay(tickDelay: Int)

Sets the tickDelay setting of the biome's ambient mood sound to the given tickDelay.