
Builder for PlacedFeatures. Check out the docs page on PlacedFeatures for more information.

See also



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val id: Key


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Adds a BiomeFilter to this PlacedFeature, which returns the position if the configured feature is registered in the biome's feature list at the given position. Empty otherwise.

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fun blockPredicateFilter(predicate: BlockPredicate)

Adds a BlockPredicateFilter with the given BlockPredicate to this PlacedFeature, which returns the position if the BlockPredicate matches the block at the given position. Empty otherwise.

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fun configuredFeature(configuredFeature: ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<*, *>>)

Sets the ConfiguredFeature that should be placed by this PlacedFeature to configuredFeature.

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fun count(count: Int)

Adds a CountPlacement with the given count to this PlacedFeature, which returns the given position count times.

fun count(count: IntProvider)

Adds a CountPlacement with the given count to this PlacedFeature, which returns the given position count times. The IntProvider is sampled for each position.

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fun countOnEveryLayer(count: IntProvider)
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fun environmentScan(direction: Direction, target: BlockPredicate, maxSteps: Int)

Adds an EnvironmentScanPlacement to this PlacedFeature, which scans for blocks matching the given target BlockPredicate up/down until it finds a matching block or the max number of steps is reached. If no matching block is found, empty is returned.

fun environmentScan(direction: Direction, target: BlockPredicate, continuePredicate: BlockPredicate, maxSteps: Int)

Adds an EnvironmentScanPlacement to this PlacedFeature, which scans for blocks matching the given target BlockPredicate up/down until it finds a matching block, the max number of steps is reached or the continuePredicate not matching the next block. If no matching block is found, empty is returned.

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fun heightMap(heightmap: Heightmap.Types)

Adds a HeightmapPlacement with the given heightmap to this PlacedFeature, which takes the input position and sets the y coordinate to one block above the heightmap at the given position.

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fun heightRange(provider: HeightProvider)

Adds a HeightRangePlacement with the given provider to this PlacedFeature, which takes the input position and sets the y-coordinate to a value provided by the given HeightProvider.

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fun heightRangeTriangle(min: VerticalAnchor, max: VerticalAnchor)

Adds a HeightRangePlacement with a trapezoid HeightProvider and a plateau of 0.

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fun heightRangeUniform(min: VerticalAnchor, max: VerticalAnchor)

Adds a HeightRangePlacement with a uniform distribution between min and max.

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Adds a InSquarePlacement to this PlacedFeature, which adds a random integer in the range [0; 15] to the x- and z-coordinates of the given position.

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Adds a HeightRangePlacement with a uniform distribution between the min y-level and the max terrain height.

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fun modifier(modifier: PlacementModifier)

Adds a PlacementModifier to this PlacedFeature.

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fun modifiers(vararg modifiers: PlacementModifier)
fun modifiers(modifiers: Collection<PlacementModifier>)

Adds multiple PlacementModifiers to this PlacedFeature.

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Adds a HeightmapPlacement with the Heightmap.Types.MOTION_BLOCKING heightmap to this PlacedFeature, which takes the input position and sets the y coordinate to one block above the heightmap at the given position.

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Adds a HeightmapPlacement with the Heightmap.Types.OCEAN_FLOOR heightmap to this PlacedFeature, which takes the input position and sets the y coordinate to one block above the heightmap at the given position.

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Adds a HeightmapPlacement with the Heightmap.Types.OCEAN_FLOOR_WG heightmap to this PlacedFeature, which takes the input position and sets the y coordinate to one block above the heightmap at the given position.

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Adds a HeightmapPlacement with the Heightmap.Types.WORLD_SURFACE_WG heightmap to this PlacedFeature, which takes the input position and sets the y coordinate to one block above the heightmap at the given position.

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fun noiseBasedCount(noiseToCountRatio: Int, noiseFactor: Double, noiseOffset: Double)
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fun noiseThresholdCount(noiseLevel: Double, belowNoise: Int, aboveNoise: Int)

Adds a NoiseThresholdCountPlacement with the given noiseLevel, belowNoise and aboveNoise values to this PlacedFeature, which gets the noise value at the given position and, if the value is positive, returns the given position multiple times.

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Adds a RandomOffsetPlacement with a ySpread value of 0 and the given xzSpread value to this PlacedFeature, which offsets the x- and z-coordinates of the given position by the provided value.

fun randomHorizontalOffset(xzSpread: IntProvider)

Adds a RandomOffsetPlacement with a ySpread value of 0 and the given xzSpread value to this PlacedFeature, which offsets the x- and z-coordinates of the given position by the provided IntProvider's value. Please note, that the xzSpread is sampled separately for the x- and z-coordinates.

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fun randomOffset(xzSpread: Int, ySpread: Int)

Adds a RandomOffsetPlacement with the given xzSpread and ySpread values to this PlacedFeature, which offsets the given position by the provided values.

fun randomOffset(xzSpread: IntProvider, ySpread: IntProvider)

Adds a RandomOffsetPlacement with the given xzSpread and ySpread values to this PlacedFeature, which offsets the given position by the provided IntProvider's value. Please note, that the xzSpread is sampled separately for the x- and z-coordinates.

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Adds a RandomOffsetPlacement with a xzSpread value of 0 and the given ySpread value to this PlacedFeature, which offsets the y-coordinate of the given position by the provided value.

fun randomVerticalOffset(ySpread: IntProvider)

Adds a RandomOffsetPlacement with a xzSpread value of 0 and the given ySpread value to this PlacedFeature, which offsets the y-coordinate of the given position by the provided IntProvider's value.

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fun rarityFilter(onAverageOnceEvery: Int)

Adds a RarityFilter to this PlacedFeature, which returns the given position with a probability of 1 / onAverageOnceEvery.

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fun surfaceRelativeThresholdFilter(heightmap: Heightmap.Types, min: Int, max: Int)

Adds a SurfaceRelativeThresholdFilter with the given heightmap, min and max values to this PlacedFeature, which returns the given position if the surface height at the given position is inside the specified range. Otherwise, returns empty.

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Adds a SurfaceWaterDepthFilter with the given maxDepth value to this PlacedFeature, which only returns the given position if the amount of motion-blocking blocks under the surface is less than/equal to maxDepth.