Package-level declarations


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Utilities related to BlockFace.

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The side of a block.

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object BlockUtils
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abstract class FakeOnlinePlayer(offlinePlayer: OfflinePlayer, location: Location) : Player, OfflinePlayer

A Player which will throw an UnsupportedOperationException when methods which aren't supported by OfflinePlayer are called.

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class FakePlayer(server: MinecraftServer, level: ServerLevel, profile: GameProfile, val hasEvents: Boolean) : ServerPlayer
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object NMSUtils
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class PacketTask(packets: List<Packet<*>>, interval: Long, getViewers: () -> Iterable<Player>)

A task that sends the given packets to all players from getViewers every interval ticks.

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class VoidingVirtualInventory(size: Int) : VirtualInventory

A VirtualInventory implementation that does not store any items, but voids them.


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val Block.above: Block

The block that is one y-level above the current one.

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val BlockFace.axis: Axis

The axis of a BlockFace

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val Block.below: Block

The block that is one y-level below the current one.

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val Direction.blockFace: BlockFace
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val Location.blockLocation: Location
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val Location.blockPos: BlockPos
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val BlockState.bukkitBlockData: BlockData
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val ItemStack.bukkitCopy: ItemStack
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val InteractionHand.bukkitEquipmentSlot: EquipmentSlot
val EquipmentSlot.bukkitEquipmentSlot: EquipmentSlot
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val Item.bukkitMaterial: Material
val Block.bukkitMaterial: Material
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val ItemStack.bukkitMirror: ItemStack
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val Pose.bukkitPose: Pose
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val Vec3

val Location

The location at the center of this block.

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val BlockPos.chunkSection: LevelChunkSection
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val Player.connection: ServerGamePacketListenerImpl
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val CUBE_FACES: Set<BlockFace>
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val Player.destroyProgress: Double?

The current block destroy progress of the player. Between 0 and 1 or null if the player is not breaking a block at the moment.

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val Entity.eyeInWater: Boolean

If the Entity's eye is underwater.

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val PlayerInteractEvent.handItems: Array<ItemStack>
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val PlayerInteractEvent.hands: Array<Pair<EquipmentSlot, ItemStack>>
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val Block.hardness: Double

The hardness of this block, also considering the custom hardness of Nova blocks.

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If the Player has is currently looking into an inventory. Does not detect the player's inventory itself because that is not sent to the server.

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val HORIZONTAL_FACES: Set<BlockFace>
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val Int

val ResourceLocation

The ResourceLocation of this block, considering blocks from Nova, custom item services and vanilla.

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val Chunk.levelChunk: LevelChunk
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val Entity.localizedName: String?

The translation key for the name of this BukkitEntity.

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val MINECRAFT_SERVER: DedicatedServer
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val ResourceLocation.namespacedKey: NamespacedKey
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val Attribute.nmsAttribute: Attribute
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val Material.nmsBlock: Block
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val BlockData.nmsBlockState: BlockState
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val ItemStack?.nmsCopy: ItemStack
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val BlockFace.nmsDirection: Direction
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val Entity.nmsEntity: Entity
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val InteractionHand.nmsEquipmentSlot: EquipmentSlot
val EquipmentSlot.nmsEquipmentSlot: EquipmentSlot
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val EquipmentSlot.nmsInteractionHand: InteractionHand
val EquipmentSlot.nmsInteractionHand: InteractionHand
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val Material.nmsItem: Item
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val AttributeModifier.Operation.nmsOperation: AttributeModifier.Operation
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val Pose.nmsPose: Pose
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val Block.nmsState: BlockState
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val ItemStack?.nmsVersion: ItemStack
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var Block.novaBlock: NovaBlock?

The NovaBlock of the NovaBlockState at the position of this Block.

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The NovaBlockState at the position of this Block.

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The sound group of this block, also considering custom sound groups of Nova blocks.

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val BlockFace.pitch: Float

The corresponding pitch value.

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val REGISTRY_ACCESS: RegistryAccess
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val NamespacedKey.resourceLocation: ResourceLocation
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val World.serverLevel: ServerLevel
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val Player.serverPlayer: ServerPlayer
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val BlockPos.vec3: Vec3
val Location.vec3: Vec3
val Vector.vec3: Vec3
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val VERTICAL_FACES: Set<BlockFace>
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val BlockFace.yaw: Float

The corresponding yaw value.


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fun Location.add(vec: Vector3d): Location
fun Location.add(vec: Vector3f): Location
fun Rotations.add(x: Float, y: Float, z: Float): Rotations
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fun VirtualInventory.addAll(reason: UpdateReason?, items: List<ItemStack>)

Adds a List of ItemStacks to a VirtualInventory.

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fun Inventory.addItemCorrectly(itemStack: ItemStack, blockedSlots: BooleanArray = BooleanArray(size)): Int

Adds an ItemStack to an Inventory while respecting both the max stack size of the inventory and the max stack size of the item type.

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fun String.addNamespace(namespace: String): String
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fun Inventory.addPrioritized(prioritizedSlot: Int, itemStack: ItemStack)

Puts an ItemStack on the prioritizedSlot or adds it to the Inventory if the given slot is occupied.

fun PlayerInventory.addPrioritized(prioritizedSlot: EquipmentSlot, itemStack: ItemStack)

Puts an ItemStack on the prioritizedSlot or adds it to the Inventory if the given slot is occupied.

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fun Player.addToInventoryOrDrop(items: List<ItemStack>)

Adds items to the Player's inventory or drops them on the ground if there is not enough space.

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fun Location.advance(axis: Axis, stepSize: Double = 1.0): @NotNull Location
fun Location.advance(blockFace: BlockFace, stepSize: Double = 1.0): @NotNull Location
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fun PlayerList.broadcast(location: Location, maxDistance: Double, packet: Packet<*>)
fun PlayerList.broadcast(block: Block, maxDistance: Double, packet: Packet<*>)
fun PlayerList.broadcast(exclude: Player?, location: Location, maxDistance: Double, packet: Packet<*>)
fun PlayerList.broadcast(exclude: Player?, block: Block, maxDistance: Double, packet: Packet<*>)
fun PlayerList.broadcast(exclude: Player?, location: Location, maxDistance: Double, packet: Packet<*>)
fun PlayerList.broadcast(exclude: Player?, block: Block, maxDistance: Double, packet: Packet<*>)
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Sends the ClientboundLevelEventPacket to all players in a 1-chunk-range, causing break particles and sounds to be played. Only works with vanilla blocks.

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fun Block.broadcastDestructionStage(entityId: Int, stage: Int)

Sends the ClientboundBlockDestructionPacket to all players in a 1-chunk-range with the given entityId and breaking stage. Only works with vanilla blocks.

fun Block.broadcastDestructionStage(player: Player, stage: Int)

Sends the ClientboundBlockDestructionPacket to all players in a 1-chunk-range with the entity id of the given player and breaking stage. Only works with vanilla blocks.

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fun <T : Any> Registry<T>.byNameBinaryAdapter(): BinaryAdapter<T>
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inline fun <T : Any> Registry<T>.byNameTypeSerializer(): TypeSerializer<T>
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fun Vector.calculateYaw(): Float
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fun callEvent(event: Event)
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inline fun Level.captureDrops(run: () -> Unit): List<ItemEntity>
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inline fun Location.castRay(stepSize: Double, maxDistance: Double, run: (Location) -> Boolean)
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fun Location
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operator fun Location.component1(): World
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operator fun Location.component2(): Double
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operator fun Location.component3(): Double
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operator fun Location.component4(): Double
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operator fun Location.component5(): Float
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operator fun Location.component6(): Float
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operator fun Registry<*>.contains(key: String): Boolean
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fun Inventory.containsAll(choices: List<RecipeChoice>): Boolean

Checks if this Inventory contains all choices

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fun Rotations.copy(x: Float? = null, y: Float? = null, z: Float? = null): Rotations
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fun Location.createColoredParticle(color: Color): ClientboundLevelParticlesPacket
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fun LivingEntity.damageItemInHand(hand: EquipmentSlot, damage: Int = 1)

Damages the item in the specified hand by damage amount.

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fun LivingEntity.damageItemInMainHand(damage: Int = 1)

Damages the item in the entity's main hand by damage amount.

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fun LivingEntity.damageItemInOffHand(damage: Int = 1)

Damages the item in the entity's offhand by damage amount.

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fun LivingEntity.damageToolAttackEntity()

Damages the tool in the entity's main hand as if they've attack an entity.

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fun LivingEntity.damageToolBreakBlock()

Damages the tool in the entity's main hand as if they've broken a block.

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fun Location.dropItem(item: ItemStack)
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fun Location.dropItems(items: Iterable<ItemStack>)
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fun World.dropItemsNaturally(location: Location, items: Iterable<ItemStack>)
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fun String.equalsAny(vararg strings: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean
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fun Iterable<Player>.filterInRange(location: Location, maxDistance: Double): List<Player>
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fun forcePacketBroadcast(run: () -> Unit)
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fun String.Companion.formatSafely(format: String, vararg args: Any?): String
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inline fun Location.fullCuboidTo(to: Location, run: (Location) -> Boolean)
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operator fun <T> Registry<T>.get(key: String): T?
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fun BlockPos.getBlockState(): BlockState
fun LevelChunkSection.getBlockState(pos: BlockPos): BlockState
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fun Location.getBoxOutline(other: Location, correct: Boolean, stepSize: Double = 0.5): List<Location>
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fun Location.getCoordinate(axis: Axis): Double
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fun Inventory.getFirstEmptySlot(): Int?

Gets the first slot index of the Inventory.getStorageContents that is completely empty.

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fun Inventory.getFirstPartialStack(type: ItemStack): @Nullable ItemStack?

Gets the first ItemStack in the Inventory.getStorageContents that is similar to type and not a full stack.

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fun Location.getFullCuboid(other: Location): List<Location>
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fun <T> Registry<T>.getHolder(id: ResourceLocation): Holder<T>?
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fun <T> Registry<T>.getHolderOrThrow(id: ResourceLocation): Holder<T>
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fun Location.getNextBlockBelow(countSelf: Boolean, requiresSolid: Boolean): Location?
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fun <T> Registry<T>.getOrCreateHolder(id: ResourceLocation): Holder<T>
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fun <T> Registry<T>.getOrThrow(key: String): T
fun <T> Registry<T>.getOrThrow(id: ResourceLocation): T
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fun Location.getPlayersNearby(maxDistance: Double, vararg excluded: Player): Sequence<Player>
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fun Location.getRectangle(to: Location, omitCorners: Boolean): Map<Axis, List<Location>>
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fun Location.getStraightLine(axis: Axis, to: Int): List<Location>
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fun Chunk.getSurroundingChunks(range: Int, includeCurrent: Boolean, ignoreUnloaded: Boolean = false): List<Chunk>
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fun Location.getTargetLocation(stepSize: Double, maxDistance: Double): Location
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fun <T : Comparable<T>> BlockState.hasProperty(property: Property<T>, value: T): Boolean
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fun String.insert(offset: Int, charSequence: CharSequence): String
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fun String.insertAfter(char: Char, charSequence: CharSequence, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): String
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fun String.insertAfterLast(char: Char, charSequence: CharSequence, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): String
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fun Location.isBetween(min: Location, max: Location): Boolean
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fun Location.isBetweenXZ(min: Location, max: Location): Boolean
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fun Location.isBlockLocation(): Boolean
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fun Action.isClickAir(): Boolean
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fun Action.isClickBlock(): Boolean
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fun PlayerInteractEvent.isCompletelyDenied(): Boolean
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fun Inventory.isFull(): Boolean

Checks if an Inventory is full.

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Checks if a location is inside the world borders and in the allowed building height.

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fun InventoryView.isPlayerView(): Boolean

Checks if an InventoryView is the player inventory

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fun Location(world: World?, x: Number, y: Number, z: Number, yaw: Number = 0, pitch: Number = 0): Location
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fun <E : Any> NonNullList(list: List<E>, default: E? = null): NonNullList<E>
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fun Player.playClickSound()
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fun Player.playItemPickupSound()
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fun Location.playSoundNearby(sound: Sound, volume: Float, pitch: Float, vararg excluded: Player)
fun Location.playSoundNearby(sound: Sound, category: SoundCategory, volume: Float, pitch: Float, vararg excluded: Player)
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operator fun String): String
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fun Location.positionEquals(other: Location): Boolean
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inline fun preventEvents(run: () -> Unit)
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fun <T : Any> WritableRegistry<T>.register(id: ResourceLocation, value: T): Holder.Reference<T>
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@JvmName(name = "registerEvent1")
fun registerEvent(listener: Listener, event: Class<out Event>)
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fun Listener.registerEvent(eventClass: Class<out Event>)
fun Listener.registerEvent(eventClass: KClass<out Event>)
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@JvmName(name = "registerEventFirst1")
fun registerEventFirst(listener: Listener, event: Class<out Event>)
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fun Listener.registerEventFirst(eventClass: Class<out Event>)
fun Listener.registerEventFirst(eventClass: KClass<out Event>)
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@JvmName(name = "registerEvents1")
fun registerEvents(listener: Listener)
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fun Listener.registerEvents()
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@JvmName(name = "registerEventsExcept1")
fun registerEventsExcept(listener: Listener, vararg eventClasses: Class<out Event>)
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fun Listener.registerEventsExcept(vararg eventClasses: Class<out Event>)
fun Listener.registerEventsExcept(vararg eventClasses: KClass<out Event>)
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@JvmName(name = "registerEventsFirst1")
fun registerEventsFirst(listener: Listener)
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fun Listener.registerEventsFirst()
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fun RegistryFriendlyByteBuf(): RegistryFriendlyByteBuf
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fun Location.removeOrientation()
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fun replaceBroadcastExclusion(exclude: ServerPlayer, run: () -> Unit)
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fun ResourceLocation(addon: Addon, name: String): ResourceLocation
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fun runAsyncTask(run: () -> Unit): @NotNull BukkitTask
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fun runAsyncTaskLater(delay: Long, run: () -> Unit): @NotNull BukkitTask
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fun runAsyncTaskTimer(delay: Long, period: Long, run: () -> Unit): @NotNull BukkitTask
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fun runTask(run: () -> Unit): @NotNull BukkitTask
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fun runTaskLater(delay: Long, run: () -> Unit): @NotNull BukkitTask
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fun runTaskTimer(delay: Long, period: Long, run: () -> Unit): @NotNull BukkitTask
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fun Player.send(vararg packets: Packet<*>)
fun Player.send(packets: Iterable<Packet<*>>)
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fun Packet<*>.sendTo(vararg players: Player)
fun Packet<*>.sendTo(players: Iterable<Player>)
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operator fun <T : Any> WritableRegistry<T>.set(name: String, value: T)
operator fun <T : Any> WritableRegistry<T>.set(id: ResourceLocation, value: T)
operator fun <T : Any> WritableRegistry<T>.set(addon: Addon, key: String, value: T)
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fun BlockPos.setBlockState(state: BlockState)
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fun BlockPos.setBlockStateNoUpdate(state: BlockState)
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fun BlockPos.setBlockStateSilently(state: BlockState)
fun LevelChunkSection.setBlockStateSilently(pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState)
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fun Block.setBreakStage(entityId: Int, stage: Int)

Sets the break stage for this Block. Works with Nova and vanilla blocks.

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fun Location.setCoordinate(axis: Axis, coordinate: Double)
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fun Block.spawnExpOrb(exp: Int, location: Location = this.location.add(.5, .5, .5)): Int

Spawns an experience orb of exp from this block after calling the BlockExpEvent.

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fun String.startsWithAny(vararg prefixes: String): Boolean
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fun Location.subtract(vec: Vector3d): Location
fun Location.subtract(vec: Vector3f): Location
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fun <T> Either<T, T>.take(): T
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fun Inventory.takeFirstOccurrence(choice: RecipeChoice): ItemStack?

Removes one item matching the given choice and returns it

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fun Entity.teleport(modifyLocation: Location.() -> Unit)

Teleports the BukkitEntity after modifying its location using the modifyLocation lambda.

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fun <T> Registry<T>.toHolderMap(): Map<ResourceLocation, Holder<T>>
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fun Vector3d.toLocation(world: World? = null): Location
fun Vector3f.toLocation(world: World? = null): Location
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fun <T> Registry<T>.toMap(): Map<ResourceLocation, T>
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fun BlockPos.toNovaPos(world: World): BlockPos
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fun ResourceLocation.toString(separator: String): String
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fun Location.toVec3(): Vec3
fun Vector.toVec3(): Vec3
fun Vector3d.toVec3(): Vec3
fun Vector3f.toVec3(): Vec3
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fun Location.toVector3d(): Vector3d
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fun Location.toVector3f(): Vector3f
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fun Listener.unregisterEvents()
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fun Location.untilHeightLimit(includeThis: Boolean, run: (Location) -> Boolean)
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fun ItemStack?.unwrap(): ItemStack
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fun Vector(yaw: Float, pitch: Float): Vector