Package-level declarations
Utilities related to BlockFace.
A Player which will throw an UnsupportedOperationException when methods which aren't supported by OfflinePlayer are called.
A task that sends the given packets to all players from getViewers every interval ticks.
The current block destroy progress of the player. Between 0 and 1 or null if the player is not breaking a block at the moment.
If the Entity's eye is underwater.
If the Player has is currently looking into an inventory. Does not detect the player's inventory itself because that is not sent to the server.
The translation key for the name of this BukkitEntity.
The NovaBlock of the NovaBlockState at the position of this Block.
The NovaBlockState at the position of this Block.
The sound group of this block, also considering custom sound groups of Nova blocks.
Adds an ItemStack to an Inventory while respecting both the max stack size of the inventory and the max stack size of the item type.
Puts an ItemStack on the prioritizedSlot or adds it to the Inventory if the given slot is occupied.
Puts an ItemStack on the prioritizedSlot or adds it to the Inventory if the given slot is occupied.
Puts an ItemStack on the prioritizedSlot or adds it to the Inventory if the given slot is occupied or drops it on the ground if there is not enough space.
Puts an ItemStack on the prioritizedSlot or adds it to the Inventory if the given slot is occupied or drops it on the ground if there is not enough space.
Sends the ClientboundLevelEventPacket to all players in a 1-chunk-range, causing break particles and sounds to be played. Only works with vanilla blocks.
Damages the item in the entity's main hand by damage amount.
Damages the item in the entity's offhand by damage amount.
Damages the tool in the entity's main hand as if they've attack an entity.
Damages the tool in the entity's main hand as if they've broken a block.
Checks if a location is inside the world borders and in the allowed building height.
Checks if an InventoryView is the player inventory
Prevents all synchronous events attempted to be fired during run from being fired.
Shortcut for PluginManager.registerEvents, registered under the Nova plugin.
Shortcut for BukkitScheduler.runTaskAsynchronously, registered under the Nova plugin.
Shortcut for BukkitScheduler.runTaskLaterAsynchronously, registered under the Nova plugin.
Shortcut for BukkitScheduler.runTaskTimerAsynchronously, registered under the Nova plugin.
Shortcut for BukkitScheduler.runTaskLater, registered under the Nova plugin.
Shortcut for BukkitScheduler.runTaskTimer, registered under the Nova plugin.
Sets the break stage for this Block. Works with Nova and vanilla blocks.
Spawns an experience orb of exp from this block after calling the BlockExpEvent.
Teleports the BukkitEntity after modifying its location using the modifyLocation lambda.
Converts this Key to a NamespacedKey.
Unregisters this Listener from all events.