
abstract class FakeOnlinePlayer(offlinePlayer: OfflinePlayer, location: Location) : Player, OfflinePlayer

A Player which will throw an UnsupportedOperationException when methods which aren't supported by OfflinePlayer are called.

This Player is also granted access to the hasPermission method via permission integrations.


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constructor(offlinePlayer: OfflinePlayer, location: Location)


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object Companion


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val Player.connection: ServerGamePacketListenerImpl
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val Player.destroyProgress: Double?

The current block destroy progress of the player. Between 0 and 1 or null if the player is not breaking a block at the moment.

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val Entity.eyeInWater: Boolean

If the Entity's eye is underwater.

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If the Player has is currently looking into an inventory. Does not detect the player's inventory itself because that is not sent to the server.

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val Entity.localizedName: String?

The translation key for the name of this BukkitEntity.

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val Entity.nmsEntity: Entity
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val Player.serverPlayer: ServerPlayer


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abstract fun abandonConversation(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Conversation)
abstract fun abandonConversation(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Conversation, @NotNull p1: @NotNull ConversationAbandonedEvent)
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abstract fun acceptConversationInput(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String)
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abstract override fun activeBossBars(): @UnmodifiableView @NotNull MutableIterable<BossBar>
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abstract fun addAdditionalChatCompletions(@NotNull p0: @NotNull MutableCollection<String>)
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abstract fun addAttachment(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Plugin): @NotNull PermissionAttachment
abstract fun addAttachment(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Plugin, p1: Int): @Nullable PermissionAttachment?
abstract fun addAttachment(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Plugin, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String, p2: Boolean): @NotNull PermissionAttachment
abstract fun addAttachment(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Plugin, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String, p2: Boolean, p3: Int): @Nullable PermissionAttachment?
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abstract fun addCustomChatCompletions(@NotNull p0: @NotNull MutableCollection<String>)
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abstract fun addPassenger(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Entity): Boolean
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abstract fun addPotionEffect(@NotNull p0: @NotNull PotionEffect): Boolean
abstract fun addPotionEffect(@NotNull p0: @NotNull PotionEffect, p1: Boolean): Boolean
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abstract fun addPotionEffects(@NotNull p0: @NotNull MutableCollection<PotionEffect>): Boolean
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abstract fun addResourcePack(@NotNull p0: @NotNull UUID, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String, @Nullable p2: ByteArray, @Nullable p3: @Nullable String?, p4: Boolean)
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abstract fun addScoreboardTag(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String): Boolean
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fun Player.addToInventoryOrDrop(items: List<ItemStack>)

Adds items to the Player's inventory or drops them on the ground if there is not enough space.

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abstract fun applyMending(p0: Int): Int
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open fun asHoverEvent(): @NotNull HoverEvent<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>
open override fun asHoverEvent(@NotNull p0: @NotNull UnaryOperator<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>): @NotNull HoverEvent<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>
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abstract fun attack(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Entity)
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fun Player.awardAdvancement(key: NamespacedKey)
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open override fun <E : BanEntry<in PlayerProfile>> ban(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Duration?, @Nullable p2: @Nullable String?): @Nullable E?
open override fun <E : BanEntry<in PlayerProfile>> ban(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Instant?, @Nullable p2: @Nullable String?): @Nullable E?
open override fun <E : BanEntry<in PlayerProfile>> ban(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Date?, @Nullable p2: @Nullable String?): @Nullable E?
abstract fun <E : BanEntry<in PlayerProfile>> ban(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Duration?, @Nullable p2: @Nullable String?, p3: Boolean): @Nullable E?
abstract fun <E : BanEntry<in PlayerProfile>> ban(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Instant?, @Nullable p2: @Nullable String?, p3: Boolean): @Nullable E?
abstract fun <E : BanEntry<in PlayerProfile>> ban(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Date?, @Nullable p2: @Nullable String?, p3: Boolean): @Nullable E?
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abstract fun banIp(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Duration?, @Nullable p2: @Nullable String?, p3: Boolean): @Nullable BanEntry<InetAddress>?
abstract fun banIp(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Instant?, @Nullable p2: @Nullable String?, p3: Boolean): @Nullable BanEntry<InetAddress>?
abstract fun banIp(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Date?, @Nullable p2: @Nullable String?, p3: Boolean): @Nullable BanEntry<InetAddress>?
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open fun banPlayer(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?): @NotNull BanEntry<Any>
open fun banPlayer(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Date?): @NotNull BanEntry<Any>
open fun banPlayer(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable String?): @NotNull BanEntry<Any>
open fun banPlayer(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Date?, @Nullable p2: @Nullable String?): @NotNull BanEntry<Any>
open fun banPlayer(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Date?, @Nullable p2: @Nullable String?, p3: Boolean): @NotNull BanEntry<Any>
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open fun banPlayerFull(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?): @Nullable BanEntry<Any>?
open fun banPlayerFull(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Date?): @Nullable BanEntry<Any>?
open fun banPlayerFull(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable String?): @Nullable BanEntry<Any>?
open fun banPlayerFull(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Date?, @Nullable p2: @Nullable String?): @Nullable BanEntry<Any>?
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open fun banPlayerIP(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?): @Nullable BanEntry<Any>?
open fun banPlayerIP(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Date?): @Nullable BanEntry<Any>?
open fun banPlayerIP(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, p1: Boolean): @Nullable BanEntry<Any>?
open fun banPlayerIP(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable String?): @Nullable BanEntry<Any>?
open fun banPlayerIP(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Date?, p2: Boolean): @Nullable BanEntry<Any>?
open fun banPlayerIP(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Date?, @Nullable p2: @Nullable String?): @Nullable BanEntry<Any>?
open fun banPlayerIP(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable String?, p2: Boolean): @Nullable BanEntry<Any>?
open fun banPlayerIP(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Date?, @Nullable p2: @Nullable String?, p3: Boolean): @Nullable BanEntry<Any>?
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abstract fun beginConversation(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Conversation): Boolean
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open fun boostElytra(@NotNull p0: @NotNull ItemStack): @Nullable Firework?
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abstract fun breakBlock(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Block): Boolean
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abstract fun broadcastSlotBreak(p0: @NotNull EquipmentSlot)
abstract fun broadcastSlotBreak(p0: @NotNull EquipmentSlot, @NotNull p1: @NotNull MutableCollection<Player>)
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abstract fun canSee(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Entity): Boolean
abstract fun canSee(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Player): Boolean
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abstract fun canUseEquipmentSlot(p0: @NotNull EquipmentSlot): Boolean
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abstract fun chat(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String)
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abstract fun clearActiveItem()
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open fun clearTitle()
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abstract fun closeInventory()
abstract fun closeInventory(@NotNull p0: @NotNull InventoryCloseEvent.Reason)
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abstract fun collidesAt(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location): Boolean
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abstract fun completeUsingActiveItem()
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abstract fun copy(): @NotNull Entity
abstract fun copy(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location): @NotNull Entity
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abstract fun createSnapshot(): @Nullable EntitySnapshot?
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abstract fun customName(): @Nullable Component?
abstract fun customName(p0: @Nullable Component?)
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abstract fun damage(p0: Double)
abstract fun damage(p0: Double, @NotNull p1: @NotNull DamageSource)
abstract fun damage(p0: Double, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Entity?)
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fun LivingEntity.damageItemInHand(hand: EquipmentSlot, damage: Int = 1)

Damages the item in the specified hand by damage amount.

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fun LivingEntity.damageItemInMainHand(damage: Int = 1)

Damages the item in the entity's main hand by damage amount.

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fun LivingEntity.damageItemInOffHand(damage: Int = 1)

Damages the item in the entity's offhand by damage amount.

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abstract fun damageItemStack(p0: @NotNull EquipmentSlot, p1: Int)
abstract fun damageItemStack(@NotNull p0: @NotNull ItemStack, p1: Int): @NotNull ItemStack
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fun LivingEntity.damageToolAttackEntity()

Damages the tool in the entity's main hand as if they've attack an entity.

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fun LivingEntity.damageToolBreakBlock()

Damages the tool in the entity's main hand as if they've broken a block.

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open override fun decrementStatistic(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Statistic)
open override fun decrementStatistic(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Statistic, p1: Int)
open override fun decrementStatistic(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Statistic, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Material)
open override fun decrementStatistic(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Statistic, @NotNull p1: @NotNull EntityType)
open override fun decrementStatistic(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Statistic, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Material, p2: Int)
open override fun decrementStatistic(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Statistic, @NotNull p1: @NotNull EntityType, p2: Int)
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open fun deleteMessage(@NotNull signedMessage: @NotNull SignedMessage)
open fun deleteMessage(signature: @NotNull SignedMessage.Signature)
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abstract fun discoverRecipe(@NotNull p0: @NotNull NamespacedKey): Boolean
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abstract fun discoverRecipes(@NotNull p0: @NotNull MutableCollection<NamespacedKey>): Int
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abstract fun displayName(): @NotNull Component
abstract fun displayName(p0: @Nullable Component?)
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abstract fun dropItem(p0: Boolean): Boolean
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abstract fun eject(): Boolean
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open fun filterAudience(@NotNull filter: @NotNull Predicate<in Audience>): @NotNull Audience
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abstract fun fireworkBoost(@NotNull p0: @NotNull ItemStack): @Nullable Firework?
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open fun forEachAudience(@NotNull action: @NotNull Consumer<in Audience>)
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abstract fun fromMobSpawner(): Boolean
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open operator fun <T : Any> get(@NotNull pointer: @NotNull Pointer<T>): @NotNull Optional<T>
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abstract fun getAbsorptionAmount(): Double
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abstract fun getActiveItem(): @NotNull ItemStack
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abstract fun getActiveItemHand(): @NotNull EquipmentSlot
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abstract fun getActiveItemUsedTime(): Int
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abstract fun getActivePotionEffects(): @NotNull MutableCollection<PotionEffect>
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abstract override fun getAddress(): @Nullable InetSocketAddress
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abstract fun getAdvancementProgress(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Advancement): @NotNull AdvancementProgress
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abstract fun getAffectsSpawning(): Boolean
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abstract fun getAllowFlight(): Boolean
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abstract fun getArrowCooldown(): Int
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abstract fun getArrowsInBody(): Int
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abstract fun getArrowsStuck(): Int
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abstract fun getAsString(): @Nullable String?
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abstract fun getAttackCooldown(): Float
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abstract fun getAttribute(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Attribute): @Nullable AttributeInstance?
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abstract fun getBedLocation(): @NotNull Location
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open override fun getBedSpawnLocation(): @Nullable Location?
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abstract fun getBeeStingerCooldown(): Int
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abstract fun getBeeStingersInBody(): Int
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abstract fun getBodyYaw(): Float
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abstract fun getBoundingBox(): @NotNull BoundingBox
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abstract fun getCanPickupItems(): Boolean
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@Contract(value = "-> fail")
abstract fun getCategory(): @NotNull EntityCategory
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open fun getChunk(): @NotNull Chunk
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abstract fun getClientBrandName(): @Nullable String?
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abstract fun <T : Any> getClientOption(p0: @NotNull ClientOption<T>): @NotNull T & Any
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abstract fun getClientViewDistance(): Int
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abstract fun getCollidableExemptions(): @NotNull MutableSet<UUID>
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abstract fun getCompassTarget(): @NotNull Location
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abstract fun getCooldown(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Material): Int
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abstract fun getCooldownPeriod(): Float
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abstract fun getCustomName(): @Nullable String?
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abstract fun getDeathSound(): @Nullable Sound?
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abstract fun getDiscoveredRecipes(): @NotNull MutableSet<NamespacedKey>
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abstract fun getDisplayName(): @NotNull String
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abstract fun getDrinkingSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull ItemStack): @NotNull Sound
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abstract fun getEatingSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull ItemStack): @NotNull Sound
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abstract fun getEffectivePermissions(): @NotNull MutableSet<PermissionAttachmentInfo>
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abstract fun getEnchantmentSeed(): Int
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abstract fun getEnderChest(): @NotNull Inventory
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abstract fun getEntityId(): Int
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abstract fun getEntitySpawnReason(): @NotNull CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
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abstract override fun getEquipment(): @NotNull EntityEquipment
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abstract fun getExhaustion(): Float
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abstract fun getExp(): Float
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abstract fun getExpCooldown(): Int
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abstract fun getExpToLevel(): Int
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abstract fun getEyeHeight(): Double
abstract fun getEyeHeight(p0: Boolean): Double
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abstract fun getEyeLocation(): @NotNull Location
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abstract fun getFacing(): @NotNull BlockFace
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abstract fun getFallDamageSound(p0: Int): @NotNull Sound
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abstract fun getFallDamageSoundBig(): @NotNull Sound
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abstract fun getFallDamageSoundSmall(): @NotNull Sound
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abstract fun getFallDistance(): Float
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abstract fun getFireTicks(): Int
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open override fun getFirstPlayed(): Long
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abstract fun getFishHook(): @Nullable FishHook?
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abstract fun getFlySpeed(): Float
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abstract fun getFoodLevel(): Int
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abstract fun getForwardsMovement(): Float
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abstract fun getFreezeTicks(): Int
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abstract fun getFrictionState(): @NotNull TriState
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abstract fun getGameMode(): @NotNull GameMode
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@ApiStatus.Obsolete(since = "1.20.4")
open fun getHandRaised(): @NotNull EquipmentSlot
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@ApiStatus.Obsolete(since = "1.20.4")
open fun getHandRaisedTime(): Int
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abstract fun getHAProxyAddress(): @Nullable InetSocketAddress?
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abstract fun getHealth(): Double
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abstract fun getHealthScale(): Double
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abstract fun getHeight(): Double
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abstract fun getHurtDirection(): Float
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abstract fun getHurtSound(): @Nullable Sound?
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abstract fun getIdleDuration(): @NotNull Duration
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abstract override fun getInventory(): @NotNull PlayerInventory
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abstract fun getItemInHand(): @NotNull ItemStack
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abstract fun getItemInUse(): @Nullable ItemStack?
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abstract fun getItemInUseTicks(): Int
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abstract fun getItemOnCursor(): @NotNull ItemStack
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@ApiStatus.Obsolete(since = "1.20.4")
open fun getItemUseRemainingTime(): Int
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abstract fun getKiller(): @Nullable Player?
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abstract fun getLastDamage(): Double
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abstract fun getLastDamageCause(): @Nullable EntityDamageEvent?
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open override fun getLastDeathLocation(): @Nullable Location?
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open override fun getLastLogin(): Long
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open override fun getLastPlayed(): Long
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open override fun getLastSeen(): Long
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abstract fun getLastTwoTargetBlocks(@Nullable p0: @Nullable MutableSet<Material>?, p1: Int): @NotNull MutableList<Block>
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abstract fun getLeashHolder(): @NotNull Entity
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abstract fun getLevel(): Int
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abstract fun getLineOfSight(@Nullable p0: @Nullable MutableSet<Material>?, p1: Int): @NotNull MutableList<Block>
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abstract fun getListeningPluginChannels(): @NotNull MutableSet<String>
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open override fun getLocale(): String
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@Contract(value = "null -> null; !null -> !null")
abstract fun getLocation(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Location?): @Nullable Location?
open override fun getLocation(): Location
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abstract fun getMainHand(): @NotNull MainHand
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abstract fun getMaxFireTicks(): Int
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abstract fun getMaxFreezeTicks(): Int
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abstract fun getMaxHealth(): Double
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abstract fun getMaximumAir(): Int
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abstract fun <T : Any> getMemory(@NotNull p0: @NotNull MemoryKey<T>): @Nullable T?
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abstract fun getMetadata(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String): @NotNull MutableList<MetadataValue>
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open override fun getName(): String
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abstract fun getNearbyEntities(p0: Double, p1: Double, p2: Double): @NotNull MutableList<Entity>
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abstract fun getNextArrowRemoval(): Int
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abstract fun getNoActionTicks(): Int
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abstract fun getNoDamageTicks(): Int
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abstract fun getOpenInventory(): @NotNull InventoryView
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@Contract(value = "_, null -> _; _, !null -> !null")
open fun <T : Any> getOrDefault(@NotNull pointer: @NotNull Pointer<T>, @Nullable defaultValue: @Nullable T?): @Nullable T?
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open fun <T : Any> getOrDefaultFrom(@NotNull pointer: @NotNull Pointer<T>, @NotNull defaultValue: @NotNull Supplier<out T>): @UnknownNullability T
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abstract fun getOrigin(): @Nullable Location?
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abstract fun getPassenger(): @Nullable Entity?
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abstract fun getPassengers(): @NotNull MutableList<Entity>
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abstract override fun getPersistentDataContainer(): @NotNull PersistentDataContainer
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abstract fun getPing(): Int
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abstract fun getPistonMoveReaction(): @NotNull PistonMoveReaction
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abstract fun getPitch(): Float
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open override fun getPlayer(): @Nullable Player?
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abstract fun getPlayerListFooter(): @Nullable String?
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abstract fun getPlayerListHeader(): @Nullable String?
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abstract fun getPlayerListName(): @NotNull String
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open override fun getPlayerProfile(): @NotNull PlayerProfile
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abstract fun getPlayerTime(): Long
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abstract fun getPlayerTimeOffset(): Long
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abstract fun getPlayerWeather(): @Nullable WeatherType?
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abstract fun getPortalCooldown(): Int
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abstract fun getPose(): @NotNull Pose
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abstract fun getPotentialBedLocation(): @Nullable Location?
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abstract fun getPotionEffect(@NotNull p0: @NotNull PotionEffectType): @Nullable PotionEffect?
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abstract fun getPreviousGameMode(): @Nullable GameMode?
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abstract fun getProtocolVersion(): Int
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abstract fun getRemainingAir(): Int
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@Contract(value = "-> null")
open fun getResourcePackHash(): @Nullable String?
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abstract fun getResourcePackStatus(): @Nullable PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent.Status?
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open override fun getRespawnLocation(): @Nullable Location?
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abstract fun getSaturatedRegenRate(): Int
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abstract fun getSaturation(): Float
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abstract fun getScheduler(): @NotNull EntityScheduler
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abstract fun getScoreboard(): @NotNull Scoreboard
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abstract fun getScoreboardEntryName(): @NotNull String
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abstract fun getScoreboardTags(): @NotNull MutableSet<String>
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abstract fun getSendViewDistance(): Int
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abstract fun getSentChunkKeys(): @NotNull @Unmodifiable MutableSet<Long>
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abstract fun getSentChunks(): @NotNull @Unmodifiable MutableSet<Chunk>
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abstract override fun getServer(): @NotNull Server
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abstract fun getShieldBlockingDelay(): Int
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abstract fun getShoulderEntityLeft(): @Nullable Entity?
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abstract fun getShoulderEntityRight(): @Nullable Entity?
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abstract fun getSidewaysMovement(): Float
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abstract fun getSimulationDistance(): Int
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abstract fun getSleepTicks(): Int
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abstract fun getSpawnCategory(): @NotNull SpawnCategory
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abstract fun getSpectatorTarget(): @Nullable Entity?
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abstract fun getStarvationRate(): Int
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open override fun getStatistic(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Statistic): Int
open override fun getStatistic(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Statistic, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Material): Int
open override fun getStatistic(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Statistic, @NotNull p1: @NotNull EntityType): Int
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abstract fun getSwimHighSpeedSplashSound(): @NotNull Sound
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abstract fun getSwimSound(): @NotNull Sound
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abstract fun getSwimSplashSound(): @NotNull Sound
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open fun getTargetBlock(p0: Int): @Nullable Block?
abstract fun getTargetBlock(p0: Int, @NotNull p1: @NotNull TargetBlockInfo.FluidMode): @Nullable Block?
abstract fun getTargetBlock(@Nullable p0: @Nullable MutableSet<Material>?, p1: Int): @NotNull Block
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abstract fun getTargetBlockExact(p0: Int): @Nullable Block?
abstract fun getTargetBlockExact(p0: Int, @NotNull p1: @NotNull FluidCollisionMode): @Nullable Block?
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open fun getTargetBlockFace(p0: Int): @Nullable BlockFace?
abstract fun getTargetBlockFace(p0: Int, @NotNull p1: @NotNull TargetBlockInfo.FluidMode): @Nullable BlockFace?
abstract fun getTargetBlockFace(p0: Int, @NotNull p1: @NotNull FluidCollisionMode): @Nullable BlockFace?
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open fun getTargetBlockInfo(p0: Int): @Nullable TargetBlockInfo?
abstract fun getTargetBlockInfo(p0: Int, @NotNull p1: @NotNull TargetBlockInfo.FluidMode): @Nullable TargetBlockInfo?
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open fun getTargetEntity(p0: Int): @Nullable Entity?
abstract fun getTargetEntity(p0: Int, p1: Boolean): @Nullable Entity?
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open fun getTargetEntityInfo(p0: Int): @Nullable TargetEntityInfo?
abstract fun getTargetEntityInfo(p0: Int, p1: Boolean): @Nullable TargetEntityInfo?
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abstract fun getTicksLived(): Int
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abstract fun getTotalExperience(): Int
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abstract fun getTrackedBy(): @NotNull MutableSet<Player>
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abstract fun getTrackedPlayers(): @NotNull MutableSet<Player>
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abstract fun getType(): @NotNull EntityType
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open override fun getUniqueId(): @NotNull UUID
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abstract fun getUpwardsMovement(): Float
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abstract fun getVehicle(): @Nullable Entity?
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abstract fun getVelocity(): @NotNull Vector
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abstract fun getViewDistance(): Int
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abstract fun getVirtualHost(): @Nullable InetSocketAddress?
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abstract fun getWalkSpeed(): Float
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abstract fun getWardenWarningLevel(): Int
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abstract fun getWidth(): Double
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open override fun getWorld(): World
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abstract fun getWorldBorder(): @Nullable WorldBorder?
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abstract fun getX(): Double
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abstract fun getY(): Double
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abstract fun getYaw(): Float
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abstract fun getZ(): Double
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open fun giveExp(p0: Int)
abstract fun giveExp(p0: Int, p1: Boolean)
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abstract fun giveExpLevels(p0: Int)
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abstract fun hasActiveItem(): Boolean
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abstract fun hasAI(): Boolean
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abstract fun hasCooldown(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Material): Boolean
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abstract fun hasDiscoveredRecipe(@NotNull p0: @NotNull NamespacedKey): Boolean
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abstract fun hasFixedPose(): Boolean
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abstract fun hasFlyingFallDamage(): @NotNull TriState
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abstract fun hasGravity(): Boolean
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abstract fun hasLineOfSight(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location): Boolean
abstract fun hasLineOfSight(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Entity): Boolean
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abstract fun hasMetadata(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String): Boolean
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abstract fun hasNoPhysics(): Boolean
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open override fun hasPermission(name: String): Boolean
open override fun hasPermission(perm: Permission): Boolean
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open override fun hasPlayedBefore(): Boolean
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abstract fun hasPotionEffect(@NotNull p0: @NotNull PotionEffectType): Boolean
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abstract fun hasSeenWinScreen(): Boolean
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open fun heal(p0: Double)
abstract fun heal(p0: Double, @NotNull p1: @NotNull EntityRegainHealthEvent.RegainReason)
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open fun hideBossBar(@NotNull bar: @NotNull BossBar)
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abstract fun hideEntity(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Plugin, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Entity)
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abstract fun hidePlayer(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Player)
abstract fun hidePlayer(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Plugin, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Player)
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abstract fun hideTitle()
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open override fun identity(): @NotNull Identity
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open override fun incrementStatistic(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Statistic)
open override fun incrementStatistic(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Statistic, p1: Int)
open override fun incrementStatistic(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Statistic, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Material)
open override fun incrementStatistic(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Statistic, @NotNull p1: @NotNull EntityType)
open override fun incrementStatistic(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Statistic, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Material, p2: Int)
open override fun incrementStatistic(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Statistic, @NotNull p1: @NotNull EntityType, p2: Int)
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open override fun isBanned(): Boolean
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abstract fun isBlocking(): Boolean
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abstract fun isChunkSent(p0: Long): Boolean
open fun isChunkSent(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Chunk): Boolean
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abstract fun isClimbing(): Boolean
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abstract fun isCollidable(): Boolean
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open override fun isConnected(): Boolean
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abstract fun isConversing(): Boolean
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abstract fun isDead(): Boolean
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abstract fun isDeeplySleeping(): Boolean
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abstract fun isEmpty(): Boolean
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abstract fun isFlying(): Boolean
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abstract fun isFrozen(): Boolean
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abstract fun isGliding(): Boolean
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abstract fun isGlowing(): Boolean
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@ApiStatus.Obsolete(since = "1.20.4")
abstract override fun isHandRaised(): Boolean
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abstract fun isHealthScaled(): Boolean
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abstract fun isInBubbleColumn(): Boolean
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abstract fun isInLava(): Boolean
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abstract fun isInPowderedSnow(): Boolean
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abstract fun isInRain(): Boolean
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abstract fun isInsideVehicle(): Boolean
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abstract override fun isInvisible(): Boolean
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abstract fun isInvulnerable(): Boolean
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abstract fun isInWater(): Boolean
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abstract fun isInWaterOrRain(): Boolean
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abstract fun isInWorld(): Boolean
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abstract fun isJumping(): Boolean
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abstract fun isLeashed(): Boolean
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abstract fun isListed(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Player): Boolean
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abstract override fun isOnGround(): Boolean
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open override fun isOnline(): Boolean
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open override fun isOp(): Boolean
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open override fun isPermissionSet(name: String): Boolean
open override fun isPermissionSet(perm: Permission): Boolean
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abstract fun isPersistent(): Boolean
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abstract fun isRiptiding(): Boolean
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abstract fun isSilent(): Boolean
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abstract fun isSleeping(): Boolean
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abstract fun isSleepingIgnored(): Boolean
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abstract override fun isSneaking(): Boolean
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abstract fun isSprinting(): Boolean
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abstract fun isSwimming(): Boolean
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abstract fun isTicking(): Boolean
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abstract fun isTransferred(): Boolean
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abstract fun isUnderWater(): Boolean
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abstract fun isValid(): Boolean
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abstract fun isVisibleByDefault(): Boolean
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abstract fun isVisualFire(): Boolean
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open override fun isWhitelisted(): Boolean
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abstract fun kick()
abstract fun kick(p0: @Nullable Component?)
abstract fun kick(p0: @Nullable Component?, p1: @NotNull PlayerKickEvent.Cause)
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abstract fun kickPlayer(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?)
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abstract fun knockback(p0: Double, p1: Double, p2: Double)
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abstract fun <T : Projectile> launchProjectile(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Class<out T>): @NotNull T & Any
abstract fun <T : Projectile> launchProjectile(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Class<out T>, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Vector?): @NotNull T & Any
abstract fun <T : Projectile> launchProjectile(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Class<out T>, @Nullable p1: @Nullable Vector?, p2: @Nullable Consumer<in T>?): @NotNull T & Any
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abstract fun leaveVehicle(): Boolean
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abstract fun listPlayer(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Player): Boolean
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abstract fun loadData()
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open override fun locale(): Locale
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abstract fun lockFreezeTicks(p0: Boolean)
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open fun lookAt(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Position, @NotNull p1: @NotNull LookAnchor)
abstract fun lookAt(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Entity, @NotNull p1: @NotNull LookAnchor, @NotNull p2: @NotNull LookAnchor)
abstract fun lookAt(p0: Double, p1: Double, p2: Double, @NotNull p3: @NotNull LookAnchor)
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abstract fun name(): @NotNull Component
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abstract fun openAnvil(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Location?, p1: Boolean): @Nullable InventoryView?
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open fun openBook(@NotNull book: @NotNull Book)
open fun openBook(book: @NotNull Book.Builder)
abstract fun openBook(@NotNull p0: @NotNull ItemStack)
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abstract fun openCartographyTable(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Location?, p1: Boolean): @Nullable InventoryView?
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abstract fun openEnchanting(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Location?, p1: Boolean): @Nullable InventoryView?
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abstract fun openGrindstone(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Location?, p1: Boolean): @Nullable InventoryView?
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abstract fun openInventory(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Inventory): @Nullable InventoryView?
abstract fun openInventory(@NotNull p0: @NotNull InventoryView)
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abstract fun openLoom(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Location?, p1: Boolean): @Nullable InventoryView?
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abstract fun openMerchant(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Villager, p1: Boolean): @Nullable InventoryView?
abstract fun openMerchant(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Merchant, p1: Boolean): @Nullable InventoryView?
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abstract override fun openSign(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Sign)
abstract override fun openSign(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Sign, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Side)
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abstract fun openSmithingTable(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Location?, p1: Boolean): @Nullable InventoryView?
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abstract fun openStonecutter(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Location?, p1: Boolean): @Nullable InventoryView?
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abstract fun openWorkbench(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Location?, p1: Boolean): @Nullable InventoryView?
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abstract fun performCommand(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String): Boolean
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open fun permissionValue(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String): @NotNull TriState
open fun permissionValue(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Permission): @NotNull TriState
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fun Player.playClickSound()
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abstract fun playEffect(@NotNull p0: @NotNull EntityEffect)
abstract fun <T : Any> playEffect(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Effect, @Nullable p2: @Nullable T?)
abstract fun playEffect(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Effect, p2: Int)
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abstract fun playerListFooter(): @Nullable Component?
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abstract fun playerListHeader(): @Nullable Component?
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abstract fun playerListName(): @NotNull Component
abstract fun playerListName(p0: @Nullable Component?)
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abstract fun playHurtAnimation(p0: Float)
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fun Player.playItemPickupSound()
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abstract fun playNote(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, p1: Byte, p2: Byte)
abstract fun playNote(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Instrument, @NotNull p2: @NotNull Note)
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open fun playPickupItemAnimation(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Item)
abstract fun playPickupItemAnimation(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Item, p1: Int)
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open fun playSound(@NotNull sound: @NotNull Sound)
open fun playSound(@NotNull sound: @NotNull Sound, emitter: @NotNull Sound.Emitter)
open fun playSound(@NotNull sound: @NotNull Sound, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double)
abstract fun playSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String, p2: Float, p3: Float)
abstract fun playSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Sound, p2: Float, p3: Float)
abstract fun playSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Entity, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String, p2: Float, p3: Float)
abstract fun playSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Entity, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Sound, p2: Float, p3: Float)
abstract fun playSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String, @NotNull p2: @NotNull SoundCategory, p3: Float, p4: Float)
abstract fun playSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Sound, @NotNull p2: @NotNull SoundCategory, p3: Float, p4: Float)
abstract fun playSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Entity, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String, @NotNull p2: @NotNull SoundCategory, p3: Float, p4: Float)
abstract fun playSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Entity, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Sound, @NotNull p2: @NotNull SoundCategory, p3: Float, p4: Float)
abstract fun playSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String, @NotNull p2: @NotNull SoundCategory, p3: Float, p4: Float, p5: Long)
abstract fun playSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Sound, @NotNull p2: @NotNull SoundCategory, p3: Float, p4: Float, p5: Long)
abstract fun playSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Entity, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String, @NotNull p2: @NotNull SoundCategory, p3: Float, p4: Float, p5: Long)
abstract fun playSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Entity, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Sound, @NotNull p2: @NotNull SoundCategory, p3: Float, p4: Float, p5: Long)
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open fun pointers(): @NotNull Pointers
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abstract fun rayTraceBlocks(p0: Double): @Nullable RayTraceResult?
abstract fun rayTraceBlocks(p0: Double, @NotNull p1: @NotNull FluidCollisionMode): @Nullable RayTraceResult?
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open fun rayTraceEntities(p0: Int): @Nullable RayTraceResult?
abstract fun rayTraceEntities(p0: Int, p1: Boolean): @Nullable RayTraceResult?
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abstract fun recalculatePermissions()
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abstract fun registerAttribute(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Attribute)
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abstract fun releaseLeftShoulderEntity(): @Nullable Entity?
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abstract fun releaseRightShoulderEntity(): @Nullable Entity?
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abstract fun remove()
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abstract fun removeAdditionalChatCompletions(@NotNull p0: @NotNull MutableCollection<String>)
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abstract fun removeAttachment(@NotNull p0: @NotNull PermissionAttachment)
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abstract fun removeCustomChatCompletions(@NotNull p0: @NotNull MutableCollection<String>)
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abstract fun removeMetadata(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Plugin)
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abstract fun removePassenger(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Entity): Boolean
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abstract fun removePotionEffect(@NotNull p0: @NotNull PotionEffectType)
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abstract fun removeResourcePack(@NotNull p0: @NotNull UUID)
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open fun removeResourcePacks(@NotNull ids: @NotNull MutableIterable<UUID>)
open fun removeResourcePacks(@NotNull request: @NotNull ResourcePackRequest)
open fun removeResourcePacks(@NotNull request: @NotNull ResourcePackRequestLike)
open fun removeResourcePacks(@NotNull id: @NotNull UUID, @NotNull vararg others: @NotNull UUID)
open fun removeResourcePacks(@NotNull request: @NotNull ResourcePackInfoLike, @NotNull vararg others: @NotNull ResourcePackInfoLike)
abstract fun removeResourcePacks()
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abstract fun removeScoreboardTag(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String): Boolean
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abstract fun resetCooldown()
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abstract fun resetIdleDuration()
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abstract fun resetMaxHealth()
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abstract fun resetPlayerTime()
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abstract fun resetPlayerWeather()
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abstract override fun resetTitle()
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abstract fun retrieveCookie(@NotNull p0: @NotNull NamespacedKey): @NotNull CompletableFuture<ByteArray>
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abstract fun saveData()
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fun Player.send(vararg bufs: FriendlyByteBuf, retain: Boolean = true, flush: Boolean = true)
fun Player.send(vararg packets: Packet<*>)
fun Player.send(packets: Iterable<Packet<*>>)
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open fun sendActionBar(@NotNull message: @NotNull Component)
open fun sendActionBar(@NotNull message: @NotNull ComponentLike)
abstract fun sendActionBar(@NotNull vararg p0: @NotNull BaseComponent)
abstract fun sendActionBar(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String)
abstract fun sendActionBar(p0: Char, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String)
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abstract fun sendBlockChange(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @NotNull p1: @NotNull BlockData)
abstract fun sendBlockChange(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Material, p2: Byte)
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abstract fun sendBlockChanges(@NotNull p0: @NotNull MutableCollection<BlockState>)
abstract fun sendBlockChanges(@NotNull p0: @NotNull MutableCollection<BlockState>, p1: Boolean)
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abstract fun sendBlockDamage(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, p1: Float)
abstract fun sendBlockDamage(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, p1: Float, p2: Int)
abstract fun sendBlockDamage(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, p1: Float, @NotNull p2: @NotNull Entity)
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abstract fun sendBlockUpdate(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @NotNull p1: @NotNull TileState)
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abstract fun sendEquipmentChange(@NotNull p0: @NotNull LivingEntity, @NotNull p1: @NotNull MutableMap<EquipmentSlot, ItemStack>)
abstract fun sendEquipmentChange(@NotNull p0: @NotNull LivingEntity, @NotNull p1: @NotNull EquipmentSlot, @Nullable p2: @Nullable ItemStack?)
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abstract fun sendExperienceChange(p0: Float)
abstract fun sendExperienceChange(p0: Float, p1: Int)
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abstract fun sendHealthUpdate()
abstract fun sendHealthUpdate(p0: Double, p1: Int, p2: Float)
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abstract fun sendHurtAnimation(p0: Float)
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abstract fun sendLinks(@NotNull p0: @NotNull ServerLinks)
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abstract fun sendMap(@NotNull p0: @NotNull MapView)
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open fun sendMessage(@NotNull message: @NotNull Component)
open fun sendMessage(@NotNull message: @NotNull ComponentLike)
open fun sendMessage(@NotNull signedMessage: @NotNull SignedMessage, boundChatType: @NotNull ChatType.Bound)
open fun sendMessage(@NotNull source: @NotNull Identified, @NotNull message: @NotNull Component)
open fun sendMessage(@NotNull source: @NotNull Identified, @NotNull message: @NotNull ComponentLike)
open fun sendMessage(@NotNull source: @NotNull Identity, @NotNull message: @NotNull Component)
open fun sendMessage(@NotNull source: @NotNull Identity, @NotNull message: @NotNull ComponentLike)
@ApiStatus.ScheduledForRemoval(inVersion = "5.0.0")
open fun sendMessage(@NotNull message: @NotNull Component, @NotNull type: @NotNull MessageType)
open fun sendMessage(@NotNull message: @NotNull Component, boundChatType: @NotNull ChatType.Bound)
@ApiStatus.ScheduledForRemoval(inVersion = "5.0.0")
open fun sendMessage(@NotNull message: @NotNull ComponentLike, @NotNull type: @NotNull MessageType)
open fun sendMessage(@NotNull message: @NotNull ComponentLike, boundChatType: @NotNull ChatType.Bound)
@ApiStatus.ScheduledForRemoval(inVersion = "5.0.0")
open fun sendMessage(@NotNull source: @NotNull Identified, @NotNull message: @NotNull Component, @NotNull type: @NotNull MessageType)
@ApiStatus.ScheduledForRemoval(inVersion = "5.0.0")
open fun sendMessage(@NotNull source: @NotNull Identified, @NotNull message: @NotNull ComponentLike, @NotNull type: @NotNull MessageType)
@ApiStatus.ScheduledForRemoval(inVersion = "5.0.0")
open fun sendMessage(@NotNull source: @NotNull Identity, @NotNull message: @NotNull ComponentLike, @NotNull type: @NotNull MessageType)
abstract fun sendMessage(@NotNull vararg p0: @NotNull String)
abstract fun sendMessage(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String)
abstract fun sendMessage(@Nullable p0: @Nullable UUID?, @NotNull vararg p1: @NotNull String)
abstract fun sendMessage(@Nullable p0: @Nullable UUID?, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String)
open override fun sendMessage(p0: @NotNull Identity, p1: @NotNull Component, p2: @NotNull MessageType)
open override fun sendMessage(@NotNull vararg p0: @NotNull BaseComponent)
open override fun sendMessage(@NotNull p0: @NotNull BaseComponent)
open fun sendMessage(p0: ChatMessageType, vararg p1: BaseComponent)
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abstract fun sendMultiBlockChange(@NotNull p0: @NotNull MutableMap<out Position, BlockData>)
open fun sendMultiBlockChange(@NotNull p0: @NotNull MutableMap<out Position, BlockData>, p1: Boolean)
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abstract fun sendOpLevel(p0: Byte)
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open fun sendPlainMessage(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String)
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open fun sendPlayerListFooter(@NotNull footer: @NotNull Component)
open fun sendPlayerListFooter(@NotNull footer: @NotNull ComponentLike)
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open fun sendPlayerListHeader(@NotNull header: @NotNull Component)
open fun sendPlayerListHeader(@NotNull header: @NotNull ComponentLike)
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open fun sendPlayerListHeaderAndFooter(@NotNull header: @NotNull Component, @NotNull footer: @NotNull Component)
open fun sendPlayerListHeaderAndFooter(@NotNull header: @NotNull ComponentLike, @NotNull footer: @NotNull ComponentLike)
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abstract fun sendPluginMessage(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Plugin, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String, @NotNull p2: ByteArray)
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abstract fun sendPotionEffectChange(@NotNull p0: @NotNull LivingEntity, @NotNull p1: @NotNull PotionEffect)
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abstract fun sendPotionEffectChangeRemove(@NotNull p0: @NotNull LivingEntity, @NotNull p1: @NotNull PotionEffectType)
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abstract fun sendRawMessage(@Nullable p0: @Nullable UUID?, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String)
abstract override fun sendRawMessage(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String)
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open fun sendResourcePacks(@NotNull request: @NotNull ResourcePackRequest)
open fun sendResourcePacks(@NotNull request: @NotNull ResourcePackRequestLike)
open fun sendResourcePacks(@NotNull first: @NotNull ResourcePackInfoLike, @NotNull vararg others: @NotNull ResourcePackInfoLike)
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open fun sendRichMessage(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String)
open fun sendRichMessage(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, vararg p1: @NotNull TagResolver)
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abstract fun sendSignChange(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @Nullable p1: Array<@Nullable String?>)
open fun sendSignChange(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @Nullable p1: @Nullable MutableList<out Component>?)
abstract fun sendSignChange(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @Nullable p1: Array<@Nullable String?>, @NotNull p2: @NotNull DyeColor)
open fun sendSignChange(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @Nullable p1: @Nullable MutableList<out Component>?, p2: Boolean)
open fun sendSignChange(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @Nullable p1: @Nullable MutableList<out Component>?, @NotNull p2: @NotNull DyeColor)
abstract fun sendSignChange(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @Nullable p1: Array<@Nullable String?>, @NotNull p2: @NotNull DyeColor, p3: Boolean)
abstract fun sendSignChange(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @Nullable p1: @Nullable MutableList<out Component>?, @NotNull p2: @NotNull DyeColor, p3: Boolean)
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abstract fun sendTitle(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Title)
abstract fun sendTitle(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable String?)
abstract fun sendTitle(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable String?, p2: Int, p3: Int, p4: Int)
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open fun <T : Any> sendTitlePart(@NotNull part: @NotNull TitlePart<T>, @NotNull value: @NotNull T & Any)
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open override fun serialize(): @NotNull MutableMap<String, Any>
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abstract fun setAbsorptionAmount(p0: Double)
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abstract fun setAffectsSpawning(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setAI(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setAllowFlight(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setArrowCooldown(p0: Int)
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open fun setArrowsInBody(p0: Int)
abstract fun setArrowsInBody(p0: Int, p1: Boolean)
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abstract fun setArrowsStuck(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setBedSpawnLocation(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Location?)
abstract fun setBedSpawnLocation(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Location?, p1: Boolean)
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abstract fun setBeeStingerCooldown(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setBeeStingersInBody(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setBodyYaw(p0: Float)
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abstract fun setCanPickupItems(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setCollidable(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setCompassTarget(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location)
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abstract fun setCooldown(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Material, p1: Int)
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abstract fun setCustomChatCompletions(@NotNull p0: @NotNull MutableCollection<String>)
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abstract fun setCustomName(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?)
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abstract fun setCustomNameVisible(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setDisplayName(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?)
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abstract fun setEnchantmentSeed(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setExhaustion(p0: Float)
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abstract fun setExp(p0: Float)
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abstract fun setExpCooldown(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setFallDistance(p0: Float)
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abstract fun setFireTicks(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setFlying(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setFlyingFallDamage(@NotNull p0: @NotNull TriState)
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abstract fun setFlySpeed(p0: Float)
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abstract fun setFoodLevel(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setFreezeTicks(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setFrictionState(@NotNull p0: @NotNull TriState)
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abstract fun setGameMode(@NotNull p0: @NotNull GameMode)
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abstract fun setGliding(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setGlowing(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setGravity(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setHasSeenWinScreen(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setHealth(p0: Double)
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abstract fun setHealthScale(p0: Double)
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abstract fun setHealthScaled(p0: Boolean)
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abstract override fun setHurtDirection(p0: Float)
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abstract override fun setInvisible(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setInvulnerable(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setItemInHand(@Nullable p0: @Nullable ItemStack?)
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abstract fun setItemInUseTicks(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setItemOnCursor(@Nullable p0: @Nullable ItemStack?)
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abstract fun setJumping(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setKiller(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Player?)
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abstract fun setLastDamage(p0: Double)
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abstract fun setLastDamageCause(@Nullable p0: @Nullable EntityDamageEvent?)
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abstract fun setLastDeathLocation(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Location?)
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abstract fun setLeashHolder(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Entity?): Boolean
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abstract fun setLevel(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setMaxHealth(p0: Double)
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abstract fun setMaximumAir(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setMaximumNoDamageTicks(p0: Int)
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abstract fun <T : Any> setMemory(@NotNull p0: @NotNull MemoryKey<T>, @Nullable p1: @Nullable T?)
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abstract fun setMetadata(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, @NotNull p1: @NotNull MetadataValue)
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abstract fun setNextArrowRemoval(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setNextBeeStingerRemoval(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setNoActionTicks(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setNoDamageTicks(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setNoPhysics(p0: Boolean)
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open override fun setOp(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setPassenger(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Entity): Boolean
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abstract fun setPersistent(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setPlayerListFooter(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?)
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abstract fun setPlayerListHeader(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?)
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abstract fun setPlayerListHeaderFooter(@Nullable p0: Array<@Nullable BaseComponent?>, @Nullable p1: Array<@Nullable BaseComponent?>)
abstract fun setPlayerListHeaderFooter(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable String?)
abstract fun setPlayerListHeaderFooter(@Nullable p0: @Nullable BaseComponent?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable BaseComponent?)
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abstract fun setPlayerListName(@Nullable p0: @Nullable String?)
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abstract fun setPlayerProfile(p0: @NotNull PlayerProfile)
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abstract fun setPlayerTime(p0: Long, p1: Boolean)
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abstract fun setPlayerWeather(@NotNull p0: @NotNull WeatherType)
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abstract fun setPortalCooldown(p0: Int)
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open fun setPose(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Pose)
abstract fun setPose(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Pose, p1: Boolean)
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abstract fun setRemainingAir(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setRemoveWhenFarAway(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setResourcePack(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String)
abstract fun setResourcePack(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, @Nullable p1: ByteArray)
open fun setResourcePack(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String)
abstract fun setResourcePack(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, @Nullable p1: ByteArray, p2: Boolean)
abstract fun setResourcePack(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, @Nullable p1: ByteArray, @Nullable p2: @Nullable String?)
open fun setResourcePack(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, p1: @Nullable ByteArray, p2: @Nullable Component?)
open fun setResourcePack(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String, p2: Boolean)
abstract fun setResourcePack(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, @Nullable p1: ByteArray, @Nullable p2: @Nullable String?, p3: Boolean)
open fun setResourcePack(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, p1: @Nullable ByteArray, p2: @Nullable Component?, p3: Boolean)
open fun setResourcePack(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String, p2: Boolean, p3: @Nullable Component?)
abstract fun setResourcePack(@NotNull p0: @NotNull UUID, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String, @Nullable p2: ByteArray, @Nullable p3: @Nullable String?, p4: Boolean)
abstract fun setResourcePack(@NotNull p0: @NotNull UUID, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String, p2: @Nullable ByteArray, p3: @Nullable Component?, p4: Boolean)
open fun setResourcePack(@NotNull p0: @NotNull UUID, @NotNull p1: @NotNull String, @NotNull p2: @NotNull String, p3: @Nullable Component?, p4: Boolean)
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abstract fun setRespawnLocation(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Location?)
abstract fun setRespawnLocation(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Location?, p1: Boolean)
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abstract fun setRiptiding(p0: Boolean)
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abstract override fun setRotation(p0: Float, p1: Float)
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abstract fun setSaturatedRegenRate(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setSaturation(p0: Float)
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abstract fun setScoreboard(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Scoreboard)
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abstract fun setSendViewDistance(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setShieldBlockingDelay(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setShoulderEntityLeft(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Entity?)
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abstract fun setShoulderEntityRight(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Entity?)
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abstract fun setSilent(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setSimulationDistance(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setSleepingIgnored(p0: Boolean)
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abstract override fun setSneaking(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setSpectatorTarget(@Nullable p0: @Nullable Entity?)
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abstract fun setSprinting(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setStarvationRate(p0: Int)
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open override fun setStatistic(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Statistic, p1: Int)
open override fun setStatistic(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Statistic, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Material, p2: Int)
open override fun setStatistic(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Statistic, @NotNull p1: @NotNull EntityType, p2: Int)
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abstract fun setSubtitle(p0: Array<BaseComponent>)
abstract fun setSubtitle(p0: BaseComponent)
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abstract fun setSwimming(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setTexturePack(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String)
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abstract fun setTicksLived(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setTitleTimes(p0: Int, p1: Int, p2: Int)
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abstract fun setTotalExperience(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setUnsaturatedRegenRate(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setVelocity(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Vector)
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abstract fun setViewDistance(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setVisibleByDefault(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setVisualFire(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setWalkSpeed(p0: Float)
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abstract fun setWardenWarningCooldown(p0: Int)
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abstract fun setWardenWarningLevel(p0: Int)
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open override fun setWhitelisted(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun setWindowProperty(@NotNull p0: @NotNull InventoryView.Property, p1: Int): Boolean
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abstract fun setWorldBorder(@Nullable p0: @Nullable WorldBorder?)
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open fun showBossBar(@NotNull bar: @NotNull BossBar)
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abstract fun showDemoScreen()
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abstract fun showElderGuardian(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun showEntity(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Plugin, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Entity)
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abstract fun showPlayer(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Player)
abstract fun showPlayer(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Plugin, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Player)
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fun Player.showRecipes(id: String): Boolean
fun Player.showRecipes(item: ItemStack): Boolean
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open fun showTitle(@NotNull title: @NotNull Title)
abstract fun showTitle(@Nullable p0: Array<@Nullable BaseComponent?>)
abstract fun showTitle(@Nullable p0: @Nullable BaseComponent?)
abstract fun showTitle(@Nullable p0: Array<@Nullable BaseComponent?>, @Nullable p1: Array<@Nullable BaseComponent?>, p2: Int, p3: Int, p4: Int)
abstract fun showTitle(@Nullable p0: @Nullable BaseComponent?, @Nullable p1: @Nullable BaseComponent?, p2: Int, p3: Int, p4: Int)
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fun Player.showUsages(id: String): Boolean
fun Player.showUsages(item: ItemStack): Boolean
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abstract fun showWinScreen()
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abstract fun sleep(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, p1: Boolean): Boolean
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open fun spawnAt(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location): Boolean
abstract fun spawnAt(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @NotNull p1: @NotNull CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason): Boolean
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abstract fun spawnParticle(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Particle, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Location, p2: Int)
abstract fun <T : Any> spawnParticle(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Particle, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Location, p2: Int, @Nullable p3: @Nullable T?)
abstract fun spawnParticle(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Particle, p1: Double, p2: Double, p3: Double, p4: Int)
abstract fun <T : Any> spawnParticle(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Particle, p1: Double, p2: Double, p3: Double, p4: Int, @Nullable p5: @Nullable T?)
abstract fun spawnParticle(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Particle, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Location, p2: Int, p3: Double, p4: Double, p5: Double)
abstract fun <T : Any> spawnParticle(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Particle, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Location, p2: Int, p3: Double, p4: Double, p5: Double, @Nullable p6: @Nullable T?)
abstract fun spawnParticle(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Particle, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Location, p2: Int, p3: Double, p4: Double, p5: Double, p6: Double)
abstract fun spawnParticle(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Particle, p1: Double, p2: Double, p3: Double, p4: Int, p5: Double, p6: Double, p7: Double)
abstract fun <T : Any> spawnParticle(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Particle, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Location, p2: Int, p3: Double, p4: Double, p5: Double, p6: Double, @Nullable p7: @Nullable T?)
abstract fun <T : Any> spawnParticle(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Particle, p1: Double, p2: Double, p3: Double, p4: Int, p5: Double, p6: Double, p7: Double, @Nullable p8: @Nullable T?)
abstract fun spawnParticle(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Particle, p1: Double, p2: Double, p3: Double, p4: Int, p5: Double, p6: Double, p7: Double, p8: Double)
abstract fun <T : Any> spawnParticle(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Particle, @NotNull p1: @NotNull Location, p2: Int, p3: Double, p4: Double, p5: Double, p6: Double, @Nullable p7: @Nullable T?, p8: Boolean)
abstract fun <T : Any> spawnParticle(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Particle, p1: Double, p2: Double, p3: Double, p4: Int, p5: Double, p6: Double, p7: Double, p8: Double, @Nullable p9: @Nullable T?)
abstract fun <T : Any> spawnParticle(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Particle, p1: Double, p2: Double, p3: Double, p4: Int, p5: Double, p6: Double, p7: Double, p8: Double, @Nullable p9: @Nullable T?, p10: Boolean)
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abstract override fun spigot(): @NotNull Player.Spigot
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abstract fun startRiptideAttack(p0: Int, p1: Float, @Nullable p2: @Nullable ItemStack?)
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abstract fun startUsingItem(@NotNull p0: @NotNull EquipmentSlot)
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abstract fun stopAllSounds()
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open fun stopSound(@NotNull sound: @NotNull Sound)
open fun stopSound(@NotNull stop: @NotNull SoundStop)
abstract fun stopSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String)
abstract fun stopSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Sound)
abstract fun stopSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull SoundCategory)
abstract fun stopSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, @Nullable p1: @Nullable SoundCategory?)
abstract fun stopSound(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Sound, @Nullable p1: @Nullable SoundCategory?)
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abstract fun storeCookie(@NotNull p0: @NotNull NamespacedKey, @NotNull p1: ByteArray)
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open fun swingHand(@NotNull p0: @NotNull EquipmentSlot)
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abstract fun swingMainHand()
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abstract fun swingOffHand()
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abstract fun teamDisplayName(): @NotNull Component
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abstract fun teleport(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location): Boolean
abstract fun teleport(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Entity): Boolean
open fun teleport(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @NotNull vararg p1: @NotNull TeleportFlag): Boolean
abstract fun teleport(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @NotNull p1: @NotNull PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause): Boolean
abstract fun teleport(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Entity, @NotNull p1: @NotNull PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause): Boolean
abstract fun teleport(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @NotNull p1: @NotNull PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause, @NotNull vararg p2: @NotNull TeleportFlag): Boolean
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fun Entity.teleport(modifyLocation: Location.() -> Unit)

Teleports the BukkitEntity after modifying its location using the modifyLocation lambda.

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open fun teleportAsync(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location): @NotNull CompletableFuture<Boolean>
open fun teleportAsync(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @NotNull p1: @NotNull PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause): @NotNull CompletableFuture<Boolean>
abstract fun teleportAsync(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Location, @NotNull p1: @NotNull PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause, @NotNull vararg p2: @NotNull TeleportFlag): @NotNull CompletableFuture<Boolean>
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abstract fun transfer(@NotNull p0: @NotNull String, p1: Int)
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abstract fun undiscoverRecipe(@NotNull p0: @NotNull NamespacedKey): Boolean
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abstract fun undiscoverRecipes(@NotNull p0: @NotNull MutableCollection<NamespacedKey>): Int
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abstract fun unlistPlayer(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Player): Boolean
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abstract fun updateCommands()
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abstract fun updateInventory()
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abstract fun updateTitle(@NotNull p0: @NotNull Title)
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abstract fun wakeup(p0: Boolean)
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abstract fun wouldCollideUsing(@NotNull p0: @NotNull BoundingBox): Boolean