A Player which will throw an UnsupportedOperationException when methods which aren't supported by OfflinePlayer are called.
This Player is also granted access to the hasPermission method via permission integrations.
The current block destroy progress of the player. Between 0 and 1 or null if the player is not breaking a block at the moment.
If the Entity's eye is underwater.
If the Player has is currently looking into an inventory. Does not detect the player's inventory itself because that is not sent to the server.
The translation key for the name of this BukkitEntity.
Puts an ItemStack on the prioritizedSlot or adds it to the Inventory if the given slot is occupied or drops it on the ground if there is not enough space.
Puts an ItemStack on the prioritizedSlot or adds it to the Inventory if the given slot is occupied or drops it on the ground if there is not enough space.
Damages the item in the entity's main hand by damage amount.
Damages the item in the entity's offhand by damage amount.
Damages the tool in the entity's main hand as if they've attack an entity.
Damages the tool in the entity's main hand as if they've broken a block.
Teleports the BukkitEntity after modifying its location using the modifyLocation lambda.