
Utilities related to BlockFace.


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fun determineBlockFace(block: Block, location: Location): BlockFace

Determines the block closest block face of block to the given location.

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fun determineBlockFaceBetween(from: BlockPos, to: BlockPos): BlockFace?

Determines the block face that needs to be used to advance from from to to with step size 1, or null if the two positions are not adjacent.

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fun determineBlockFaceLookingAt(location: Location, maxDistance: Double = 6.0): BlockFace?

Determines the block face an entity with location and direction location is looking at. Stops searching after maxDistance and returns null if no block was found.

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fun toAxis(yaw: Float): Axis

Gets the closest Axis to yaw.

fun toAxis(yaw: Float, pitch: Float): Axis

Gets the closest Axis to yaw and pitch.

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fun toCartesianFace(yaw: Float): BlockFace

Gets the closest cardinal BlockFace (North, East, South, West) to the given yaw.

fun toCartesianFace(yaw: Float, pitch: Float): BlockFace

Gets the closest cartesian BlockFace (North, East, South, West, Up, Down) to the given yaw and pitch.

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fun toFace(axis: Axis, positive: Boolean = true): BlockFace

Converts the given axis to a BlockFace, using the positive flag to determine the direction on the axis.

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fun toRotation(yaw: Float): BlockFace

Gets the closest BlockFace to yaw.