
class Consumable(nutrition: Provider<Int>, saturation: Provider<Float>, canAlwaysEat: Provider<Boolean>, consumeTime: Provider<Int>, remains: Provider<ItemStack?>, possibleEffects: Provider<Map<PotionEffect, Float>>) : ItemBehavior

Allows items to be consumed.


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constructor(nutrition: Int, saturation: Float, canAlwaysEat: Boolean, consumeTime: Int, remains: ItemStack? = null, possibleEffects: Map<PotionEffect, Float> = emptyMap())
constructor(nutrition: Provider<Int>, saturation: Provider<Float>, canAlwaysEat: Provider<Boolean>, consumeTime: Provider<Int>, remains: Provider<ItemStack?>, possibleEffects: Provider<Map<PotionEffect, Float>>)


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open override val baseDataComponents: Provider<DataComponentMap>

The base data components that every item with this ItemBehavior has.

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The NamespacedCompound that every new ItemStack of an item with this ItemBehavior has by default.

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open val defaultPatch: Provider<DataComponentPatch>

The data component patch that every new ItemStack of an item with this ItemBehavior has by default.

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val possibleEffects: Map<PotionEffect, Float>
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val remains: ItemStack?
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The vanilla material properties that an item with this ItemBehavior requires.


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open fun handleAttackEntity(player: Player, itemStack: ItemStack, attacked: Entity, event: EntityDamageByEntityEvent)
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open fun handleBlockBreakAction(player: Player, itemStack: ItemStack, event: BlockBreakActionEvent)
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open fun handleBreak(player: Player, itemStack: ItemStack, event: PlayerItemBreakEvent)
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open fun handleBreakBlock(player: Player, itemStack: ItemStack, event: BlockBreakEvent)
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open fun handleDamage(player: Player, itemStack: ItemStack, event: PlayerItemDamageEvent)
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open fun handleEntityInteract(player: Player, itemStack: ItemStack, clicked: Entity, event: PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent)
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open fun handleEquip(player: Player, itemStack: ItemStack, equipped: Boolean, event: ArmorEquipEvent)
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open fun handleInteract(player: Player, itemStack: ItemStack, action: Action, wrappedEvent: WrappedPlayerInteractEvent)
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open fun handleInventoryClick(player: Player, itemStack: ItemStack, event: InventoryClickEvent)
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open fun handleInventoryClickOnCursor(player: Player, itemStack: ItemStack, event: InventoryClickEvent)
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open fun handleInventoryHotbarSwap(player: Player, itemStack: ItemStack, event: InventoryClickEvent)
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open fun handleRelease(player: Player, itemStack: ItemStack, event: ServerboundPlayerActionPacketEvent)
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open fun modifyBlockDamage(player: Player, itemStack: ItemStack, damage: Double): Double

Modifies the damage when player is breaking a block with itemStack. This damage is applied to the block every tick until 1.0 is reached, at which point the block is destroyed.

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open fun modifyClientSideStack(player: Player?, itemStack: ItemStack, data: NamespacedCompound): ItemStack

Updates the client-side itemStack that is to be viewed by player and has server-side data.

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open override fun toString(itemStack: ItemStack): String

Creates a string representation of this ItemBehavior and its data in itemStack.