
abstract class TileEntity(val pos: BlockPos, blockState: NovaBlockState, data: Compound) : DataHolder

A custom tile entity.



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constructor(pos: BlockPos, blockState: NovaBlockState, data: Compound)


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object Companion
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abstract inner class GlobalTileEntityMenu(texture: GuiTexture? = null) : TileEntity.TileEntityMenu

A menu for a TileEntity that uses the same instance for all players.

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abstract inner class IndividualTileEntityMenu(player: Player, texture: GuiTexture? = null) : TileEntity.TileEntityMenu

A menu for a TileEntity that uses a separate instance for each player.

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abstract inner class TileEntityMenu

A menu for a TileEntity.


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lateinit var coroutineSupervisor: Job

The supervisor Job for coroutines of this TileEntity.

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The FakeItemDisplay(s) used to display the model of this TileEntity, if it is entity-backed.

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Whether this TileEntity is enabled.

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The MenuContainer for this TileEntity's gui. May stay uninitialized if the TileEntity has no gui.

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var owner: OfflinePlayer?

The OfflinePlayer that placed this TileEntity, may be null if it wasn't placed by a player.

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The UUID of the Player that placed this TileEntity, may be null if it wasn't placed by a player.

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val uuid: UUID

The UUID of this TileEntity.


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fun dropProvider(provider: () -> Collection<ItemStack>)

Registers a new drop provider that will be called during TileEntity.getDrops when this TileEntity is destroyed.

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open fun getDrops(includeSelf: Boolean): List<ItemStack>

Gets a list of ItemStacks to be dropped when this TileEntity is destroyed.

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open fun getExp(): Int

Gets the amount of exp to be dropped when this TileEntity is destroyed.

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fun getViewers(): List<Player>

Gets a List of all players that this TileEntity is visible for.

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Called when this TileEntity is destroyed.

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open fun handleDisable()

Called when this TileEntity is disabled.

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Called when this TileEntity stops ticking.

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open fun handleEnable()

Called when this TileEntity is enabled.

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Called when this TileEntity starts ticking.

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Called when this TileEntity is placed.

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open fun handleTick()

Called every tick for every TileEntity that is in a loaded chunk.

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Checks whether there is data stored under the given key, regardless of whether it is persistent or not.

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fun removeData(key: String)

Removes the data stored under the given key, regardless of whether it is persistent or not.

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inline fun <T> retrieveData(key: String, defaultValue: () -> T): T

Retrieves data from the data Compound of this TileEntity. If it can't find anything under the given key, the result of the defaultValue lambda is returned.

inline fun <T> retrieveData(type: KType, key: String, defaultValue: () -> T): T

Retrieves data of the specified type or invokes the defaultValue lambda if there is no data stored under the given key.

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inline fun <T> retrieveDataOrNull(key: String): T?

Retrieves data of type T or returns null if there is no data stored under the given key.

fun <T> retrieveDataOrNull(type: KType, key: String): T?

Retrieves data of the specified type or returns null if there is no data stored under the given key.

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open fun saveData()

Called to save all data using the storeData method.

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inline fun <T> storeData(key: String, value: T?, persistent: Boolean = false)

Stores value as the reified type T under the given key.

fun <T> storeData(type: KType, key: String, value: T?, persistent: Boolean = false)

Stores value as the given type under the given key.

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fun storedFluidContainer(name: String, allowedTypes: Set<FluidType>, capacity: Provider<Long>, persistent: Boolean = false, updateHandler: () -> Unit? = null): FluidContainer

Retrieves a FluidContainer stored under name or creates an empty new one. The values allowedTypes and capacity are not serialized and will be applied every time. Then registers the specified updateHandler.

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fun storedInventory(name: String, size: Int, preUpdateHandler: (ItemPreUpdateEvent) -> Unit? = null, postUpdateHandler: (ItemPostUpdateEvent) -> Unit? = null): VirtualInventory

Retrieves a VirtualInventory stored under name or creates a new one using the specified size. Then registers the specified postUpdateHandler and preUpdateHandler.

fun storedInventory(name: String, size: Int, persistent: Boolean = false, maxStackSizes: IntArray = IntArray(size) { 64 }, preUpdateHandler: (ItemPreUpdateEvent) -> Unit? = null, postUpdateHandler: (ItemPostUpdateEvent) -> Unit? = null): VirtualInventory

Retrieves a VirtualInventory stored under name or creates a new one using the specified size, maxStackSizes and persistent properties. Then registers the specified postUpdateHandler and preUpdateHandler.

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fun storedRegion(name: String, minSize: Provider<Int>, maxSize: Provider<Int>, defaultSize: Int, createRegion: (Int) -> Region): DynamicRegion

Creates a DynamicRegion with the size stored under name or defaultSize if it doesn't exist, using createRegion. The minSize and maxSize properties are not serialized and will be applied every time.

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inline fun <T : Any> storedValue(key: String, persistent: Boolean = false): MutableProvider<T?>
inline fun <T : Any> storedValue(key: String, noinline defaultValue: () -> T): MutableProvider<T>
inline fun <T : Any> storedValue(key: String, persistent: Boolean, noinline defaultValue: () -> T): MutableProvider<T>

Creates a MutableProvider to which properties can delegate.

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open override fun toString(): String
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Changes the block state of this TileEntity to blockState.