The NovaTileEntityBlock this TileEntity.
The current NovaBlockState of this TileEntity.
The supervisor Job for coroutines of this TileEntity.
The FakeItemDisplay(s) used to display the model of this TileEntity, if it is entity-backed.
The EndPointDataHolders that contain the data of this NetworkEndPoint.
Whether this TileEntity is enabled.
Whether this NetworkNode is valid and Network including it should be ticked.
A set of NetworkNodes that are not connected via networks, but still share data and need to be clustered together, such as the left and right part of a double chest.
The MenuContainer for this TileEntity's gui. May stay uninitialized if the TileEntity has no gui.
The OfflinePlayer that placed this TileEntity, may be null if it wasn't placed by a player.
The UUID of the Player that placed this TileEntity, may be null if it wasn't placed by a player.
The UUID of this TileEntity.
Registers a new drop provider that will be called during TileEntity.getDrops when this TileEntity is destroyed.
Gets a list of ItemStacks to be dropped when this TileEntity is destroyed.
Gets the amount of exp to be dropped when this TileEntity is destroyed.
Gets a List of all players that this TileEntity is visible for.
Called when this TileEntity is destroyed.
Called when this TileEntity is disabled.
Called when this TileEntity stops ticking.
Called when this TileEntity is enabled.
Called when this TileEntity starts ticking.
Called when a NetworkNode is loaded into the state.
Called when a NetworkNode in one of the six cartesian directions is added, removed, or updated in a way that affects this node.
Called when this TileEntity is placed.
Handles right-clicking this TileEntity.
Called every tick for every TileEntity that is in a loaded chunk.
Removes the data stored under the given key, regardless of whether it is persistent or not.
Retrieves data from the data Compound of this TileEntity. If it can't find anything under the given key, the result of the defaultValue lambda is returned.
Retrieves data of the specified type or invokes the defaultValue lambda if there is no data stored under the given key.
Retrieves the EnergyHolder previously stored or creates a new one and registers it in the holders map.
Retrieves a FluidContainer stored under name or creates an empty new one. The values allowedTypes and capacity are not serialized and will be applied every time. Then registers the specified updateHandler.
Retrieves the FluidHolder previously stored or creates a new one and registers it in the holders map.
Retrieves a VirtualInventory stored under name or creates a new one using the specified size. Then registers the specified postUpdateHandler and preUpdateHandler.
Retrieves a VirtualInventory stored under name or creates a new one using the specified size, maxStackSizes and persistent properties. Then registers the specified postUpdateHandler and preUpdateHandler.
Retrieves the ItemHolder previously stored or creates a new one, registers it in the holders map, and adds drop providers for ItemHolder.insertFilters and ItemHolder.extractFilters.
Creates a DynamicRegion with the size stored under name or defaultSize if it doesn't exist, using createRegion. The minSize and maxSize properties are not serialized and will be applied every time.
Changes the block state of this TileEntity to blockState.