
abstract class DataHolder



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Checks whether there is data stored under the given key, regardless of whether it is persistent or not.

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fun removeData(key: String)

Removes the data stored under the given key, regardless of whether it is persistent or not.

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inline fun <T> retrieveData(key: String, defaultValue: () -> T): T

Retrieves data from the data Compound of this TileEntity. If it can't find anything under the given key, the result of the defaultValue lambda is returned.

inline fun <T> retrieveData(type: KType, key: String, defaultValue: () -> T): T

Retrieves data of the specified type or invokes the defaultValue lambda if there is no data stored under the given key.

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inline fun <T> retrieveDataOrNull(key: String): T?

Retrieves data of type T or returns null if there is no data stored under the given key.

fun <T> retrieveDataOrNull(type: KType, key: String): T?

Retrieves data of the specified type or returns null if there is no data stored under the given key.

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inline fun <T> storeData(key: String, value: T?, persistent: Boolean = false)

Stores value as the reified type T under the given key.

fun <T> storeData(type: KType, key: String, value: T?, persistent: Boolean = false)

Stores value as the given type under the given key.

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inline fun <T : Any> storedValue(key: String, persistent: Boolean = false): MutableProvider<T?>
inline fun <T : Any> storedValue(key: String, noinline defaultValue: () -> T): MutableProvider<T>
inline fun <T : Any> storedValue(key: String, persistent: Boolean, noinline defaultValue: () -> T): MutableProvider<T>

Creates a MutableProvider to which properties can delegate.