Package-level declarations


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For handling block logic.

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Factory for creating BlockBehavior instances of T based on a NovaBlock.

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sealed interface BlockBehaviorHolder

Supertype for everything that is or can provide a BlockBehavior.

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Simple block drop logic for non-tile-entity blocks. Should not be used for tile-entity blocks.

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class BlockSounds(soundGroup: Provider<SoundGroup>) : BlockBehavior

Adds sound to a block.

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Defines values used for block breaking. Makes blocks breakable.

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Allows filling and emptying fluid containers of TileEntities that implement NetworkEndPoint and have a FluidHolder with buckets.

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Delegates drops and experience to TileEntity.getDrops and TileEntity.getExp. Should only be used for tile-entity blocks.

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Delegates interactions to TileEntity.handleRightClick. Should only be used for tile-entity blocks.

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Tracks tile-entity placement and removal and enforces tile-entity limits. Should only be applied to tile-entity blocks.

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Allows water-logging blocks via right-clicking with buckets. Requires the WATERLOGGED property.


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fun Breakable(hardness: Double? = null, toolCategories: Set<ToolCategory> = emptySet(), toolTier: ToolTier? = null, requiresToolForDrops: Boolean? = null, breakParticles: Material? = null, showBreakAnimation: Boolean = true): BlockBehaviorFactory<Breakable>

Creates a factory for Breakable behaviors using the given values, if not specified otherwise in the block's config.