
Allows water-logging blocks via right-clicking with buckets. Requires the WATERLOGGED property.


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Checks whether a block of state can be placed at pos using the given ctx.

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Retrieves the items that would be dropped when breaking a block of state at pos with the given ctx.

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Retrieves the amount of experience that would be dropped when breaking a block of state at pos with the given ctx.

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Handles attack (left-click) on a block of state at pos with the given ctx.

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Handles the destruction of a block of state at pos with the given ctx.

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open fun handleEntityInside(pos: BlockPos, state: NovaBlockState, entity: Entity)

Called when an entity is inside a block of state at pos.

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Handles interaction (right-click) with a block of state at pos with the given ctx.

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Called when a redstone update happened that may affect this state at pos.

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Handles the placement of a block of state at pos with the given ctx.

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Handles a random tick for a block of state at pos.

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Handles a scheduled tick for a block of state at pos.

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Chooses the ItemStack that should be given to the player when mid-clicking a block of state at pos with the given ctx in creative mode.

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Whether this behavior implements random-tick logic for the given state. Note that the result of this method will be cached on startup.

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open fun updateShape(pos: BlockPos, state: NovaBlockState, neighborPos: BlockPos): NovaBlockState

Called when a block at neighborPos changed to update the NovaBlockState of this state at pos.