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object Companion


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lateinit var assetPacks: List<AssetPack>
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fun findOrNull(path: ResourcePath<*>): Path?

Searches for a file under path in both the resource pack and vanilla minecraft assets, returning the Path if it exists or null if it doesn't.

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Searches for a file under path in both the resource pack and vanilla minecraft assets, returning the Path if it exists or throwing an IllegalArgumentException if it doesn't.

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inline fun <T : PackTaskHolder> getHolder(): T

Retrieves the instantiated PackTaskHolder of the specified type.

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Creates a Lazy that retrieves an instantiated PackTaskHolder of the specified type.

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Gets the resource filters for the specified ResourceFilter.Stage.

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inline fun <V> readJson(path: ResourcePath<ResourceType.JsonFile>, json: Json = Json): V?

Deserializes the JSON content of the file under path in the resource pack to V using json, or returns null if the file does not exist.

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fun resolve(path: String): Path
fun resolve(path: ResourcePath<*>): Path

Resolves the file under path in the resource pack.

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Resolves the corresponding .mcmeta file for the specified path.

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Resolves the file under path in the vanilla minecraft assets.

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Resolves the corresponding .mcmeta file for the specified path in the vanilla minecraft assets.

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Writes the image to the file under path, creating parent directories if necessary.

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inline fun <V> writeJson(path: ResourcePath<ResourceType.JsonFile>, value: V, json: Json = Json)

Serializes value to JSON using json and writes it to the file under path, creating parent directories if necessary.

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inline fun <V> writeMeta(path: ResourcePath<ResourceType.HasMcMeta>, value: V, json: Json = Json)

Serializes value to JSON using json and writes it to the corresponding .mcmeta file for the specified path, creating parent directories if necessary.