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val id: ResourceLocation


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open fun addBehaviors(vararg block: BlockBehaviorHolder)

Adds the behaviors to the behaviors of this block.

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open fun behaviors(vararg behaviors: BlockBehaviorHolder)

Sets the behaviors of this block to behaviors.

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fun config(name: String)

Configures the name of the config file in this addon's namespace.

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fun localizedName(localizedName: String)

Sets the localization key of the block.

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fun models(buildModel: BlockModelLayoutBuilder.() -> Unit)
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fun name(name: Component)

Sets the name of the block.

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fun rawConfig(id: String)
fun rawConfig(id: ResourceLocation)

Configures the id of this config file in the format namespace:name.

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fun stateProperties(vararg stateProperties: ScopedBlockStateProperty<*>)

Adds the stateProperties to the properties of this block.

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fun style(vararg decorations: TextDecoration)
fun style(style: Style)
fun style(color: TextColor)
fun style(decoration: TextDecoration)
fun style(color: TextColor, vararg decorations: TextDecoration)

Sets the style of the block name.