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abstract val fluidTransferRate: Long

How much fluid can be transferred per tick.

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abstract val isValid: Boolean

Whether this NetworkNode is valid and Networks including it should be ticked.

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abstract val linkedNodes: Set<NetworkNode>

A set of NetworkNodes that are not connected via networks, but still share data and need to be clustered together, such as the left and right part of a double chest.

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abstract val owner: OfflinePlayer?

The owner of this NetworkNode or null if it doesn't have one.

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abstract val pos: BlockPos

The BlockPos of this NetworkNode

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abstract val typeId: Key

An identifier that defines which NetworkBridges can connect to each other.


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open suspend fun handleNetworkLoaded(state: NetworkState)

Called when a NetworkNode is loaded into the state.

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open suspend fun handleNetworkUpdate(state: NetworkState)

Called when a NetworkNode in one of the six cartesian directions is added, removed, or updated in a way that affects this node.