class Default(hardness: Provider<Double>, toolCategories: Provider<Set<ToolCategory>>, toolTier: Provider<ToolTier?>, requiresToolForDrops: Provider<Boolean>, breakParticles: Provider<Material?>, showBreakAnimation: Provider<Boolean>) : BlockBehavior, Breakable
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open suspend fun canPlace(pos: BlockPos, state: NovaBlockState, ctx: Context<DefaultContextIntentions.BlockPlace>): Boolean
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open fun getDrops(pos: BlockPos, state: NovaBlockState, ctx: Context<DefaultContextIntentions.BlockBreak>): List<ItemStack>
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open fun getExp(pos: BlockPos, state: NovaBlockState, ctx: Context<DefaultContextIntentions.BlockBreak>): Int
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open fun handleAttack(pos: BlockPos, state: NovaBlockState, ctx: Context<DefaultContextIntentions.BlockBreak>)
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open fun handleBreak(pos: BlockPos, state: NovaBlockState, ctx: Context<DefaultContextIntentions.BlockBreak>)
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open fun handleInteract(pos: BlockPos, state: NovaBlockState, ctx: Context<DefaultContextIntentions.BlockInteract>): Boolean
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Called when a block at neighborPos changed next to this state at pos.
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open fun handlePlace(pos: BlockPos, state: NovaBlockState, ctx: Context<DefaultContextIntentions.BlockPlace>)
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open fun pickBlockCreative(pos: BlockPos, state: NovaBlockState, ctx: Context<DefaultContextIntentions.BlockInteract>): ItemStack?
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Whether this behavior implements random-tick logic for the given state. Note that the result of this method will be cached on startup.
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Called when a block at neighborPos changed to update the NovaBlockState of this state at pos.