
abstract class UnihexProvider : FontProvider

Represents a unihex font provider.


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object Companion


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open override val codePoints: IntSet

The code points that this FontProvider supplies.

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val glyphRasters: Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<IntArray>>

Contains all glyph rasters sorted by width.

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fun addGlyph(codePoint: Int, width: Int, glyph: IntArray)

Adds the given glyph of width for the given codePoint.

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fun addSizeOverride(sizeOverride: SizeOverride)

Adds the given sizeOverride to the list of size overrides.

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fun getGlyph(codePoint: Int): Pair<Int, IntArray>?

Gets the glyph for the given code point.

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fun removeGlyph(codePoint: Int)

Removes the glyph for the given codePoint.

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fun removeSizeOverride(sizeOverride: SizeOverride)

Removes the given sizeOverride from the list of size overrides.

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open override fun toJson(): JsonObject

Creates a JsonObject representation of this FontProvider.

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open override fun write(builder: ResourcePackBuilder)

Writes additional data to the assets directory, such as bitmaps or unihex files.