Gets an entry Provider for a value of type T under path.
if the entry does not exist
if the entry could not be deserialized to T
fun <T : Any> Provider<ConfigurationNode>.strongEntry(type: KType, vararg path: String): Provider<T>
Gets an entry Provider for a value of type under path.
if the entry does not exist
if the entry could not be deserialized to type
inline fun <T : Any> Provider<ConfigurationNode>.strongEntry(vararg paths: Array<String>): Provider<T>
Gets an entry Provider for a value of type T under the first existing path from paths.
if no entry exists
if the entry could not be deserialized to T
fun <T : Any> Provider<ConfigurationNode>.strongEntry(type: KType, vararg paths: Array<String>): Provider<T>
fun <T : Any> Provider<ConfigurationNode>.strongEntry(type: Type, vararg paths: Array<String>): Provider<T>
Gets an entry Provider for a value of type under the first existing path from paths.
if no entry exists
if the entry could not be deserialized to type