Package-level declarations
Gets an entry Provider for a value of type T under the first existing path from paths, using default as fallback, or requiring config presence if null.
Gets an optional entry Provider for a value of type T under the first existing path from paths, whose value will be null if no entry exists or could not be deserialized to T.
Gets an optional entry Provider for a value of type T under path, whose value will be null if the entry does not exist or could not be deserialized to T.
Gets an optional entry Provider for a value of type under the first existing path from paths, whose value will be null if no entry exists or could not be deserialized to type.
Gets an entry Provider for a value of type T under the first existing path from paths, using default as fallback, or requiring config presence if null.
Gets an optional entry Provider for a value of type T under the first existing path from paths, whose value will be null if no entry exists or could not be deserialized to T.
Gets an optional entry Provider for a value of type T under path, whose value will be null if the entry does not exist or could not be deserialized to T.
Gets an optional entry Provider for a value of type under the first existing path from paths, whose value will be null if no entry exists or could not be deserialized to type.