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Gets the NetworkNode at the specified block pos using the registered NetworkNodeProviders or null if there is none.
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Gets all NetworkNodes in the chunk at pos using the registered NetworkNodeProviders.
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fun queueAddBridge(bridge: NetworkBridge, supportedNetworkTypes: Set<NetworkType<*>>, bridgeFaces: Set<BlockFace>, updateNodes: Boolean = true)
Queues a network task to add bridge to the network state, using the specified supportedNetworkTypes and bridgeFaces.
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Queues a network task to add endPoint to the network state.
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Queues a network task to remove bridge from the network state.
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Queues a network task to remove endPoint from the network state.
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Queues a custom network task in pos that will definitely change the network state.
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Registers a new NetworkNodeProvider, which will be used to discover NetworkNodes during chunk load and end point / bridge add tasks.
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