
object CharSizes


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Calculates the ComponentSize from a sequence of CharOptions.

fun calculateComponentSize(component: Component, lang: String): ComponentSize

Calculates the ComponentSize of the given component under lang.

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fun calculateComponentWidth(component: Component, lang: String = "en_us"): Float

Calculates the width of a component.

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fun calculateStringWidth(font: Key, string: String): Float

Calculates the width of string when rendered with font.

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fun getCharWidth(font: Key, char: Char): Float
fun getCharWidth(font: Key, char: Int): Float

Gets the width of char when rendered with font.

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fun getCharYRange(font: Key, char: Char): ClosedRange<Float>
fun getCharYRange(font: Key, char: Int): ClosedRange<Float>