
@JvmName(name = "textureResourcePath")
fun texture(frames: Int, ticksPerFrame: Int, interpolationMode: InterpolationMode, getTexture: (frame: Int) -> ResourcePath<T>)

For each frame (frames times), the texture is selected under assets/<namespace>/textures/entity/equipment/<type>/<texture>.png using getTexture, where namespace and texture are defined by texture and type is the current entity type.

fun texture(frames: Int, ticksPerFrame: Int, interpolationMode: InterpolationMode, getTexture: (frame: Int) -> String)

For each frame (frames times), the texture is selected under textures/entity/equipment/<type>/<texture>.png using getTexture, where texture is defined by texture and type is the current entity type.

fun texture(ticksPerFrame: Int, interpolationMode: InterpolationMode, vararg frames: ResourcePath<T>)

Uses all textures assets/<namespace>/textures/entity/equipment/<type>/<texture>.png, where namespace and texture are defined by each frame from frames and type is the current entity type.

fun texture(ticksPerFrame: Int, interpolationMode: InterpolationMode, vararg frames: String)

Uses all textures textures/entity/equipment/<type>/<texture>.png, where texture is defined by each frame from frames and type is the current entity type.