Package-level declarations


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open class Canvas(canvasItem: NovaItem, itemResolution: Int, image: BufferedImage) : Supplier<Item>

An Item supplier for the canvasItem that splits image into square parts of itemResolutionxitemResolution px.

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class ColorPickerWindow(colorPreviewItem: ColorPreviewItem, color: Color, openPrevious: (Player) -> Unit)
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abstract class ColorPreviewItem(color: Color) : AbstractItem
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class EnergyBar @JvmOverloads constructor(height: Int, energy: Provider<Long>, maxEnergy: Provider<Long>, getEnergyPlus: () -> Long, getEnergyMinus: () -> Long, item: NovaItem = DefaultGuiItems.BAR_RED) : VerticalBar

A multi-item gui component for displaying energy levels.

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class FluidBar @JvmOverloads constructor(height: Int, fluidHolder: FluidHolder, fluidContainer: NetworkedFluidContainer, capacity: Provider<Long>, type: Provider<FluidType?>, amount: Provider<Long>, items: Map<FluidType?, NovaItem> = DEFAULT_FLUID_BAR_ITEMS) : VerticalBar

A multi-item gui component for displaying fluid levels.

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class OpenColorPickerWindowItem(window: ColorPickerWindow) : AbstractItem
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class StaticFluidBar(height: Int, capacity: Long, type: FluidType, amount: Long, items: Map<FluidType?, NovaItem> = DEFAULT_FLUID_BAR_ITEMS) : VerticalBar

A multi-item gui component for displaying a constant fluid level.

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abstract class VerticalBar(height: Int, customModelDataIndex: Int = 0) : Supplier<Item>


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fun <S : IngredientMapper<S>> IngredientMapper<S>.addIngredient(char: Char, item: NovaItem): S
fun <S : IngredientMapper<S>> IngredientMapper<S>.addIngredient(char: Char, inventory: Inventory, background: NovaItem): S